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axunonb edited this page Mar 3, 2022 · 4 revisions

Added in v1.5

The ChooseFormatter lets you add simple logic to your templates.


Smart.Format("{0:choose(1|2|3):one|two|three|other}", someNumber)
Smart.Format("{0:choose(True|False):yes|no}", someBoolean)
Smart.Format("{0:choose(Male|Female):his|her|their}", genderEnum)
Smart.Format("{0:choose(null): N/A | {} }", valueOrNull)

Syntax Details

{ Any Value : choose(1|2|3) : output 1 | output 2 | output 3 | default }

Value formatter name (choices) outputs default
Any value "choose" pipe-separated list of choices pipe-separated list of outputs (optional) output if nothing matched
  • The value can be anything. It will be converted to string (using ToString), and then matched against the choices. This works great for numbers, booleans, strings, enums, and most simple types.
  • Choices are case-sensitive by default. This is tricky with some values, such as true.ToString() == "True". This will be improved in a future version.
  • null is supported too: {0:choose(null): NULL | NOT NULL }
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