pyExploitDb (
Shane William Scott
An optimized Python3 library to fetch the most recent exploit-database, create searchable indexes for CVE->EDBID and EDBID -> CVE, and provide methods to perform searches.
CPE database, indexes and mappings
pip install pyExploitDb
Note: This assumes pip is for your python3 environment. Use pip3 if pip is for your python2 environment.
from pyExploitDb import PyExploitDb
pEdb = PyExploitDb()
pEdb.debug = False
results = pEdb.searchCve("CVE-2018-14592")
CVE-2018-1459 Found Exploit DB Id: 45447 File: ./exploit-database/exploits/php/webapps/45447.txt Date: 2018-09-24 Author: Haboob Team Platform: webapps Type: php Port: 80 {'edbid': '45447', 'exploit': './exploit-database/exploits/php/webapps/45447.txt', 'date': '2018-09-24', 'author': 'Haboob Team', 'platform': 'webapps', 'type': 'php', 'port': '80'}
Originally based on fork of cve_searchsploit by Andrea Fioraldi.