a collaborative crowd sourcing and funding tool using virtual currency
Example installation: https://crowd-source.herokuapp.com You can register with anything. To "receive" activation emails and such please go to: https://crowd-source.herokuapp.com/mails. A regular user: [email protected]:einEselGehtZumBaecker! An admin: [email protected]:einAdminGehtZumBaecker!
Please feel free to mess around with this installation :)
crowdsource-frontend The frontend-module contains the angularjs client app along with js-tests for it. It will be bundled in a jar file and then integrated into the core-app.
crowdsource-core The core-module contains the backend for crowdsource. It integrates the resources-jar generated by frontend-module.
crowdsource-example Example crowdsource-application. You can use this as a basis for your own build.
crowdsource-integrationtests Some end-to-end-, integration-, acceptance-, blackbox-, you-name-it-tests.
java -jar crowdsource-example.jar
CrowdSource uses JWT with a token signing key. These (tokensigningkey/tokensigningkey.pub) must be present under /src/main/resources. You can generate a pair of your own using ssh-keygen.
CrowdSource uses MongoDB. You should provide the DB hosts comma-separated via property de.asideas.crowdsource.db.hosts.
Eg java -jar ... -Dde.asideas.crowdsource.db.hosts=hosta,hostb,hostc
For local development you can use the embed-mongo-maven-plugin that is used in the integrationstests as well.
Simply run
mvn com.github.joelittlejohn.embedmongo:embedmongo-maven-plugin:0.1.12:start -Dembedmongo.wait -Dmongodb.test.port=27017
in the crowdsource-integrationtests module.
For configuration your own application:
- Create a appication.properties with following entries
de.asideas.crowdsource.db.hosts= de.asideas.crowdsource.db.port=27017 de.asideas.crowdsource.db.name=crowdsource de.asideas.crowdsource.db.username=crowdsource de.asideas.crowdsource.db.password=
You can use a comma seperated list for multiple db-hosts, eg.
CrowdSource sends Mails for some occassions. In the example-app a mailserver is started and the mails are exposed via a rest endpoint under /mails. This is handy for local development as well as integration testing.
For the configuration you need the following entries in your application.properties:
de.asideas.crowdsource.mail.host=smtp.xyzn.org de.asideas.crowdsource.mail.port=587 de.asideas.crowdsource.mail.username=[email protected] de.asideas.crowdsource.mail.password= de.asideas.crowdsource.mail.starttls=true
The default-configuration uses localhost:1025 with no username and no password. StartTls is false per default.
Mail-Templates: There are currently five different templates used for mailing. CrowdSource comes with default templates, but you can just create your own templates.
- activation.template This template is the mail sent after you registered your account.
- new-project.template This template is send to the administrator after someone created a new project.
- password-forgotten.template A mail with the new password link, sent to the user.
- project-published.template This mail is sent to the user, after his project was published/accepted.
- project-rejected.template This mail is sent to the user, after his project was rejected.
During maven build, frontend-maven-plugin will take care of downloading all tools and dependencies required for the frontend build. To execute manually you will need node/npm. See scripts in package.json for npm. You will also need to run 'npm install -g karma-cli'.
To be able to develop quickly, run those 2 commands in two separate shells
npm run watch
npm run test-watch
If you want to skip uglifying of your javascript (app AND libs), run
npm run watch-dev
The Crowdsource application supports tracking, utilizing PIWIK over Angulartics.
In order to activate tracking set the following properties in your application.properties
This will cause the tracking snippet to be rendered in the index.html. Tracking includes virtual page views (all the angular anchor links) and the following actions with their respective category:
- | Rejected | Projects
- | Deferred | Projects
- | Comment | Projects
- | ProjectIdeaSubmitted | Projects
- | ProjectPledged | Projects
- | MailToPublisherIconClicked | Projects
- | GoToStartNewProjectFromNavbar | Projects
- | GoToStartNewProjectFromTeaser | Projects
- | GoToFinancing | Projects
- | AttachmentUploaded | Projects
- | NewFinancingRoundStarted | FinancingRound
- | FinancingRoundAborted | FinancingRound
- | SignIn | UserActions
- | SignUp | UserActions
- | Logout | UserActions
- | AccountActivated | UserActions
- | FaqEntryOpened | UserActions | Label - faq_entry | Value - faq title
In order to decorate HTML elements, like buttons or links with tracking actions just add the following properties to the respective tag:
The Crowdsource application supports tracking, utilizing the JIRA issue collector.
In order to activate tracking set the following properties in your application.properties
See link above for details on how to get your issue collector setup properly.
There were some issues with phantomjs. Feel free to give it another try. Maybe its fixed? Specifiy path to chromedriver/chrome in test.properties to use chrome (environment variable also possible). Firefox is the fallback. Do nothing and use the worst browser in the world by default.