Releases: awtkns/fastapi-crudrouter
v0.8.6 - Python 3.11 Support
🎉 Highlights
With the release of v0.8.6 fastapi-crudrouter now officially supports both Python 3.11 and has dropped official support for Python 3.6 . Keep an eye of for the next release (v.0.9) which will contain support for async SQLAlchemy (#122).
Big thanks to all contributors that made this possible!
✨ Features
- Correcting several documentation typos by @joshrosenblum in #145
- Add asyncpg as a dev dependency by @awtkns in #147
- Update readme badges by @awtkns in #177
- Update maintainer email by @awtkns in #175
- Update badges by @awtkns in #181
- Python 3.11 Support by @awtkns in #176
🐛 Bugs
- Fix deployment pipeline by @awtkns in #180
- Fix docker-compose reference in contributing documentation by @daxxog in #170
💛 New Contributors
- @joshrosenblum made their first contribution in #145
- @dclimber made their first contribution in #158
- @daxxog made their first contribution in #170
Full Changelog: v0.8.5...v0.8.6
v0.8.5 - Typing
🎉 Highlights
With the release of v0.8.5 fastapi-crudrouter now officially supports both Python 3.10 and typed python. This release also includes significant improvements to the documentation, test suite, and developer experience.
Keep an eye of for the next release which will contain support for async SQLAlchemy (#122).
Big thanks to all contributors that made this possible!
✨ Features
- Typed python support #132 #111
- Python 3.10 support #114
- Test suite now runs against multiple databases #86
- Documentation improvements #79 #91 #117 #123 #124 #125 @andrewthetechie
- More informative exceptions #94 #137
- General test suite improvements #96 #97
🐛 Bug Fixes
- OrderBy not working correctly with Microsoft SQL Server #88
- 404 response not documented in OpenAPI spec #104 @sondrelg
- DatabasesCRUDRouter not functioning for inserts and deletes with AsyncPG #98
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.8.5
v0.8.0 - Gino Backend
🎉 Highlights
With the release of v0.6.0 fastapi-crudrouter now supports Gino as an async backend! When generating routes, GinoCRUDRouter will automatically tie into your database using your Gino models. To use it, simply pass your Gino database model, a database reference, and your pydantic.
Check out the docs for more details on how to use the GinoCRUDRouter.
✨ Features
🐛 Bug Fixes
v0.7.0 - Advanced Dependencies
🎉 Highlights
With the release of v0.7.0 fastapi-crudrouter now provides the ability to set custom dependencies on a per route basis; a much requested feature. Prior to this release, it was only possible to set dependencies for all the routes at once.
Shown above is a brief example on how limiting each route to specific access rights would work using this new feature. Check out the docs for more details.
✨ Features
- Custom Dependencies Per Route #37 #59 #60 @DorskFR @jm-moreau
- Ability to Provide a List of Custom Tags for OpenAPI #57 @jm-moreau
- Improved Documentation #52
- Dark Mode for Documentation
v0.6.0 - Ormar Backend
🎉 Highlights
With the release of v0.6.0 fastapi-crudrouter now supports ormar as an async backend! When generating routes, the OrmarCRUDRouter will automatically tie into your database using your ormar models. To use it, simply pass your ormar database model as the schema.
Check out the docs for more details on how to use the OrmarCRUDRouter
✨ Features
- Full Ormar Support @collerek #46
- Better handling of database errors in the update route @sorXCode #48
- Improved typing #46 #43
- Black, Flake8 and Mypy linting #46
- Additional Tests for nested models #40
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Pagination issues when max limit was set to null @EthanHaid #42
v0.5.0 - Pagination
🎉 Highlights
With the release of v0.5.0 all CRUDRouters now supports pagination. All "get all" routes now accept skip
and limit
query parameters allowing you to easily paginate your routes. By default, no limit is set on the number of items returned by your routes. Should you wish to limit the number of items that a client can request, it can be done as shown below.
Check out the docs on pagination for more information!
✨ Features
- Pagination Support #34
- Ability to set custom update schemas @andreipopovici #31 #27
- Better documentation of past releases #36
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Prefixing not available for versions of fastapi below v0.62.0 #29 #30
- Fixed an Import Issue SQLAlchemy and Integrity Errors @andreipopovici #33
v0.4.0 - Tortoise ORM Support
v0.3.0 - Initial Release
🎉 Initial Release 🎉
Tired of rewriting the same generic CRUD routes? Need to rapidly prototype a feature for a presentation or a hackathon? Thankfully, fastapi-crudrouter has your back. As an extension to the APIRouter included with FastAPI, the FastAPI CRUDRouter will automatically generate and document your CRUD routes for you.
Source Code:
pip install fastapi_crudrouter
Below is a simple example of what the CRUDRouter can do. In just ten lines of code, you can generate all the crud routes you need for any model. A full list of the routes generated can be found here.
from pydantic import BaseModel
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_crudrouter import MemoryCRUDRouter as CRUDRouter
class Potato(BaseModel):
id: int
color: str
mass: float
app = FastAPI()
- Automatic pydantic model based route generation and documentation (Docs)
- Ability to customize any of the generated routes (Docs)
- Authorization and FastAPI dependency support (Docs)
- Support for both async and non-async relational databases using SQLAlchemy (Docs)
- Extensive documentation.
- And much more 😎