Version 2.0 Just offer main.exe
- Random way to generate bypass antiviru payload
- Add antiSanbox
- Add antiVM
- Bypass Windows Defender
- Bypass Kaspersky
- Bypass 360 ...
Please Turn off Antivirus software before execute main.exe!
Close AntiVirus AutoUpload func!
execute command as followed in current dir:
go get
go get
Put payload.bin in main.exe's directory
Execute main.exe
Generate an execute GoBP.exe and Gostrip.exe
An Bypass Antivirus Tool by Golang in windows
- Bypass Windows Defender
- Bypass Kaspersky
- Bypass 360
- ...
git clone
Put payload.bin in main.go's directory
go build main.go
Execute main.exe
Generate an execute GoBP.exe
some China test result