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Browser Extension powered by Amazon API Gateway

This sample code allows you to quickly deploy a Firefox Extension that uses Serverless AWS Services as a backend. This example allows users to translate selected text on a loaded webpage.

The extension sends requests to an API Gateway which forwards them to a Lambda Function. The Lambda Function then translates the text using Amazon Translate and returns it to the user's browser to be displayed on screen.

Screenshot that demonstrates translating text on from English to French


Architecture diagram showing the Firefox Browser, an AWS account containing an API Gateway, a Lambda Function, and Amazon Translate

Requests are started in the Browser Extension. They then go through API Gateway to a Lambda Function. The Lambda function will submit the text for translation to Amazon Translate and will return the translated text back to the Browser through API Gateway.


Clone this repository or download it as a .ZIP file


  1. In your AWS account, in CloudFormation, create a new stack and use the template file /aws_resources/template.yml
  2. When the stack is deployed, go to Outputs and make note of translateURL

Frontend (Firefox Extension)

  1. In the extension's background script, extension\background_script.js, replace the API Gateway URL on line 18.
  2. In your Firefox Browser, navigate to about:debugging
  3. On the side-bar on the left, select "This Firefox"
  4. Click on Load "Temporary Add-on..."
  5. Navigate to the directory where this repository was cloned, then select the file extension/manifest.json


Once the extension is loaded you should see an Orange border around any open webpages. This is a sign that the Extension was correctly loaded.

From any webpage (e.g. highlight some text then right click on it and select "Translate selected text"

Screenshot showing example usage of the extension

The text should then be switched with its French equivalent.


To change the translation language, edit lines 66 and 67 in the file extension\background_script.js and change the source and destination language codes as needed.

To remove the orange border around the page content, edit the file extension\content_script.js and delete the last line.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.