traverse-async is a Javascript/node.js module that asynchronously and recursively walks an object tree.
var traverse = require('traverse-async').traverse;
traverse(object, function(node, next){
console.log("Current node", node);
console.log("Context object", this);
}, function(newObj) {
traverse-async returns an object on each traverse that allows you to perform functions on the current queue.
Kill the whole queue when necessary.
var queue = traverse(object, function(node, next){
if (something) { queue.break() }
Add a node to the current queue.
The callback has a context (its this
object) with these attributes:
The name of the key of the present node in its parent.
This is undefined
for the root node.
The parent of the current node.
This is undefined
for the root node.
this.parent can be useful when deleting the current node:
delete this.parent[this.key]
An array of string keys from the root to the present node
Walk an object tree, resolving promises at arbitrary, nested locations:
var traverse = require('traverse-async').traverse;
var promises = {};
traverse.traverse(result, function(value, next) {
var key, parent, path;
if (isPromise(this.node)) {
parent = this.parent;
key = this.key;
path = this.path.join(".");
promises[path] = this.node.then(function(value) {
parent[key] = value;
delete promises[path];
if (Object.keys(promises).length === 0) {
// All promises have been fulfilled
}, function(err) {
// One of the promises errored
return next();
}, function() {
if (Object.keys(promises).length === 0) {
// No promises were found or they are already fulfilled.
Use npm.
$ npm install traverse-async
Otherwise, you can check traverse-async into your repository and expose it:
$ git clone git:// node_modules/traverse-async/
traverse-async is UNLICENSED.