This script automatically shuts down an AWS EC2 instance running Amazon Linux 2023 that is used for remote development with VSCode.
File /etc/cron.d/autoshutdown-cron
is a cron job file. It schedules 2 jobs.
- At boot time, a current timestamp is written to
. - Every 10 minutes,
is run:is_vscode_connected()
determines if a VSCode-related process is running- if VSCode is running, then a shutdown is cancelled (if it is in progress);
- if VSCode is not running, a shutdown is scheduled in
minutes, unless a grace period applies.
The grace period endsGRACEPERIOD
seconds after the last boot time.
- Install
, since Cron is not present on AWS AL2023 by default:sudo dnf install cronie
- Copy the contents of this directory to
- Set correct permissions for scripts:
sudo chmod 7740 ~/.autoshutdown/ ~/.autoshutdown/
- Copy
sudo cp /home/ec2-user/.autoshutdown/autoshutdown-cron /etc/cron.d/
Edit home/ec2-user/.autoshutdown/
to change the default values:
, minutes;GRACEPERIOD=300
, seconds.
To be on the safe side, ensure that the automatic shutdown works before relying on it. When debugging, one may use:
systemctl status crond.service