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A Phoenix Framework Rapid Development Environment

This project is designed to be a rapid development environment based on the amazing work of the Phoenix Framework project.

The repository is setup as a GitHub template repository, designed to be cloned into a new project to begin immediate development.

The stack is as follows:

  • Alpine Linux 3.x
  • Erlang 27.x
  • Elixir 1.x
  • Phoenix Framework 1.x
  • PostgreSQL 16.x

After creating a new project based on this repository, the directory layout is as follows:



The name of the parent directory is the same as the name of repository created after running gh repo create command. See Creating a Repository From this Template below.

The src directory is empty until docker compose up is run. On the first run of docker compose up, the src directory is bind mounted into the phoenix framework application (app) container.

The Phoenix Framework command is automatically run and the src directory is populated with the Phoenix Framework application. The configuration files dev.exs and test.exs are automatically updated to support the docker runtime. These files are also automatically updated to support connecting to the included PostgreSQL database (db) container.

Prior to running docker compose up the first time, one file must be generated - the .secret_db file containing the database connection credential.

Various shell scripts that can be used to generate the database secrets file.

# macOS
date +%s | shasum -a 256 | base64 | head -c14 > .secret_db
# linux-gnu
date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c14 > .secret_db

Save the following PowerShell script and run the script to generate the database credential file.

$DB_SECRET_FILE = "$pwd\.secret_db"

# Generate a random password of length PasswordLength, no special characters 
# included 
# lowercase alphabet characters [char]97..[char]122
# uppercase alphabet characters [char]65..[char]90
# numbers [char]48..[char]57
# based on "The Random Password Generator for PowerShell Core 6 and 7" by
# mtsimmons
function Get-RandomPassword {
    param (
        [int]$PasswordLength = 14
    $charList = [char]97..[char]122 + [char]65..[char]90 + [char]48..[char]57

    $tmp = @()
    For ($i = 0; $i -lt $PasswordLength + 1; $i++) {
        $tmp += $charList | Get-Random

    $pass = -join $tmp
    return $pass

# Write the database secret file
function Write-DbSecret {
    $line1 = Get-RandomPassword
    $line1 | Out-File -FilePath $DB_SECRET_FILE -NoClobber

# Script Driver
function main {


Creating a Repository From this Template

# general command syntax
gh repo create <application_name> -c -d "Application description" \
--public|private -p aviumlabs/phoenix-compose 
# specific example
gh repo create myapp -c -d "MyApp Test Application" --private -p aviumlabs/phoenix-compose

Created repository <github_userid>/myapp on GitHub\<github_userid>
Cloning into 'myapp'...

Initializing Your Phoenix Framework Application

After creating a new project through gh repo create and creating the database secret file, run docker compose up.

The included .env file sets the values required for initializing the phoenix container and the password of the database.

docker compose up  

app-1 | Updating dev.exs...
app-1 | Compiling 15 files (.ex)
app-1 | Generated app app
app-1 | The database for App.Repo has been created
app-1 | Updating test.exs...
app-1 | [info] Running AppWeb.Endpoint with Bandit 1.6.7 at (http)
app-1 | [info] Access AppWeb.Endpoint at http://localhost:4000
app-1 | [watch] build finished, watching for changes...
app-1 |
app-1 | Rebuilding...
app-1 |
app-1 | Done in 1038ms.

Open http://localhost:4000 to the default landing page of a Phoenix Framework application.

The src directory is now populated with the application files and can be edited with your favorite editor.

  • assets/
  • deps/
  • _build/
  • config/
  • lib/
  • mix.exs
  • mix.lock
  • priv/
  • test/

Edit src/lib/my_webapp/controllers/page_html/home.html.eex

Search for Phoenix Framework and insert some text like MyApp powered by Phoenix Framework.

Save the file and go back to your browser and you will automatically see the change.

Add a Project Dependency

Edit src/mix.exs and add the dependency to the dependency section:

defp deps do
# Source mix alias to run mix in the container
. ./.appdev
# Run mix to get the dependency
mix deps.get

Application Testing

Edit the .env file and change the MIX_ENV variable.


Run docker compose down/docker compose up to load the updated configuration and then run mix test.

Change the MIX_ENV setting back to dev, run docker compose down/up to go back to development mode.

Additional Docker Commands

Running the docker containers in the background:

docker compose up -d

To stop an individual service:

docker compose stop [app, db]

To start an individual service:

docker compose start [app, db]

To view the the logs of a background service:

docker logs -f [app, db]

To list the current running containers:

docker container ls
nnn aviumlabs/phoenix:latest-alpine ... myapp-app-1
nnn postgres:16-alpine3.21 ... myapp-db-1

Resetting the Database

Run ecto.reset

If the services are running in the foreground; you need to stop the running services ctrl-c and then run the following:

docker compose up db
mix ecto.reset


docker compose up

Alternatively, if the docker services are running in the background;

Then run the above steps as follows:

docker compose stop app
mix ecto.reset
docker compose start app

GitHub Template Reference


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