Rabobank needs a new microservice for transferring money from one account to another, view transactions that have already been made or view a single transaction.
Your challenge is to build this system.
As you’ll be part of a team, your teammates have already created a basic repository for you.
The service needs to be written in Spring Boot using Kotlin.
It calls external APIs to retrieve the data. For the purpose of this assignment you can call some dummy
endpoints & stub the response as below for tests. You can also use this object to map the data to your domain.
External transaction object
"id": 123,
"originAccount": "Originator",
"destinationAccount": "Destination",
"notes": "description",
"amount": "25.73"
External API spec
GET /dummy/123 Returns the object above
GET /dummy Returns an array of the object above
POST /dummy Returns success/failure http status with empty body
GET /transactions should fetch all transactions that the user initiated and received
GET /transactions/{id} should fetch a single transaction
POST /transactions should transfer money from one account to another
A transaction consists of:
- id: auto incrementing integer
- fromAccount: string of the account IBAN
- toAccount: string of the account IBAN
- description: a text description of the transaction
- amount: amount with up to 2 decimal digits
We will monitor:
How you approach coding in general
How you approach tests
Your Spring Boot knowledge level
Your problem-solving skills
Good luck!