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av: CLI to manage Stacked PRs

av is a command-line tool that helps you manage your stacked PRs on GitHub. It allows you to create a PR stacked on top of another PR, and it will automatically update the dependent PR when the base PR is updated. Read more at Rethinking code reviews with stacked PRs.


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  • Create a PR that is stacked on another PR.
  • Visualize the entire stack of PRs.
  • Interactively navigate through the PR stack.
  • Rebase the dependent PR when the base PR is updated.
  • Remove the merged PRs from the stack.
  • Split a PR into multiple PRs.
  • Split a commit into multiple commits.
  • Reorder the PRs and commits in the stack.





Complete documentation is available at

Create a new branch and make some changes:

$ av branch feature-1
$ echo "Hello, world!" > hello.txt
$ av commit -A -m "Add hello.txt"

Create a PR:

$ av pr

Create a new branch and make some changes. Create another PR that depends on the previous PR:

$ av branch feature-2
$ echo "Another feature" >> hello.txt
$ av commit -a -m "Update hello.txt"
$ av pr

Visualize the PR stack:

$ av tree
  * feature-2 (HEAD)
  * feature-1
  * master

Merge the first PR:

$ gh pr merge feature-1

Sync the stack:

$ av sync

  ✓ GitHub fetch is done
  ✓ Restack is done

    * ✓ feature-2 f9d85fe
    * master 7fd1a60

  ✓ Pushed to GitHub

    Following branches do not need a push.

      feature-1: PR is already merged.

    Following branches are pushed.

        Remote: dbae4bd Update hello.txt 2024-06-11 16:41:18 -0700 -0700 (2 minutes ago)
        Local:  f9d85fe Update hello.txt 2024-06-11 16:43:41 -0700 -0700 (7 seconds ago)

  ✓ Deleted the merged branches

    Following merged branches are deleted.

      feature-1: f2335eec783b54226a7ab90f4af1c9b8309f8b61


av is available for macOS and Linux. In order to interact with GitHub, av uses the GitHub API token. If you have GitHub CLI installed, av will use the token automatically from the GitHub CLI. It is recommended to install both.

macOS (Homebrew)

First, if not already done, install Homebrew.

Then install using Homebrew tap.

brew install gh aviator-co/tap/av

Arch Linux (AUR)

Published as av-cli-bin in AUR.

yay av-cli


Add Aviator to your APT repositories.

echo "deb [trusted=yes] /" > \

And then apt install.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install av


If you'd prefer you can download the .deb file from the releases page.

apt install ./av_$VERSION_linux_$ARCH.deb

RPM-based systems

Add the following file /etc/yum.repos.d/fury.repo.

name=Gemfury Private Repo

Run the following command to confirm the configuration is working.

yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=fury list available

And then run yum install.

sudo yum install av


If you'd prefer you can download the .rpm file from the releases page.

rpm -i ./av_$VERSION_linux_$ARCH.rpm

Binary download

Download the binary from the releases page. Extract the archive and add the executable to your PATH.


  1. Set up the GitHub CLI for GitHub authentication:

    gh auth login

    Or you can create a Personal Access Token as described in the Configuration section.

  2. Set up the av CLI autocompletion:

    # Bash
    source <(av completion bash)
    # Zsh
    source <(av completion zsh)
  3. Initialize the repository:

    av init


macOS (Homebrew)

brew update
brew upgrade av


sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

RPM-based systems

yum update

Example commands

Command Description
av adopt Adopt a branch that is not created from av branch.
av branch Create a new child branch from the current branch.
av commit --amend Amend the last commit and rebase the children.
av pr Create or update a PR.
av reorder Reorder the branches.
av reparent Change the parent of the current branch.
av restack Rebase the branches to their parents.
av split-commit Split the last commit.
av switch Check out branches interactively.
av sync --all Fetch and rebase all branches.
av tree Visualize the PRs.

How it works

av internally keeps tracks of the PRs, their associated branches and their dependent branches. For each branch, it remembers where the branch started (the base commit of the branch). When the base branch is updated, av rebases the dependent branches on top of the new base branch using the remembered starting point as the merge base.

Learn more