Ansible playbook to set up a kubernetes cluster with a few utility deployments.
- Installs docker in all the nodes
- Sets up master and worker nodes with kubeadm
- Installs calico cni
- Installs metallb load balancer
- Installs nginx ingress controller
- Installs metrics-server to collect pod/node usage metrics
- Installs kubernetes dashboard
- Installs cert-manager and configures it with let's encrypt production
git clone
cd ansible-kubernetes
- Configure the deployment by changing the variables inside group_vars/master.yaml
- Configure pod network cidr, service cidr, metllb ip range, and let's encrypt email
- Edit the hosts.ini file to add in the IPs of your master and nodes
- Ensure that you copy over your ssh key to the master and nodes so that ansible can connect to them
ansible-playbook site.yaml