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Avalanche ICM Services

This repository contains off-chain services that help support Avalanche Interchain Messaging (ICM).

Currently implemented applications are

  1. ICM Relayer
    • Full-service cross-chain message delivery application that is configurable to listen to specific source and destination chain pairs and relay messages according to its configured rules.
  2. Signature Aggregator
    • Lightweight API that requests and aggregates signatures from validators for any ICM message, and returns a valid signed message that the user can then self-deliver to the intended destination chain.

Updating dependencies and E2E testing


The avalanchego dependency used by both the relayer and signature aggregator applications must be kept up to date with the minimum required avalanchego version on a given network.

Applications in this repository depend on the following upstream repositories, both directly in terms of code imports defined in the go.mod file as well as indirectly for E2E tests where binary versions are used to spin up the test network via tmpnet:

  1. avalanchego
  2. coreth (indirectly)
  3. subnet-evm


We require any commits referenced in our main branch to be present in the default branches of the repositories above, but during active development it might be useful to work against changes in progress that are still on feature branches.

When developing such features that require updates to one or more of the above, care must be taken to understand where the relevant code comes from. The binaries of applications built in this repo are built against versions referenced in the go.mod file. The E2E tests run against a simulated network running locally that is started by calling a separately compiled avalanchego binary as well as its plugins. These are compiled based on the values of AVALANCHEGO_VERSION in this repository's ./scripts/

avalanchego and coreth have a direct circular dependency and this repository is only indirectly dependent on coreth but directly dependent on avalanchego. Therefore, if any updates are required from the coreth side, a corresponding avalanchego commit referencing those changes is required. On the other hand subnet-evm just depends directly on avalanchego.


It's possible that a subnet-evm version is compatible with multiple different avalanchego versions and not limited to the one listed in subnet-evm's /scripts/

Example dependency update flow

The most complicated example case that can arise above is that a feature depends on a new change in coreth and all versions are mutually incompatible. The steps below outline the necessary commits:

  1. If an avalanchego commit referencing this change in its go.mod file doesn't exist yet then it needs to be added.
  2. Add a commit in subnet-evm that references the avalanchego commit from above in both its go.mod file as well as its scripts/ file.
  3. Create a new commit in this repository referencing avalanchego and subnet-evm directly and coreth indirectly as well as update references in the scripts/ file for both AVALANCHEGO_VERSION and SUBNET_EVM_VERSION.

Publishing all of the commits mentioned above to GitHub branches will enable running E2E tests through the CI.


Running the tests locally doesn't require publishing the subnet-evm commit since ./scripts/ takes a flag specifying a local checkout of the subnet-evm repository.


GoReleaser is used to build the binaries of the services and also Docker images with those binaries. The monorepo feature of GoReleaser Pro is used to automate the release flow in response to tags like signature-aggregator/v0.0.0. The release actions in .github/workflows automate this, but the release build can also be run locally. Be sure to install the "pro" distribution of the command line utility, so that it can parse the monorepo key. For example:

$ goreleaser release --single-target --clean --snapshot --config signature-aggregator/.goreleaser.yml
    • creating                                       archive=dist/linux_amd64/signature-aggregator_0.1.0-rc0-SNAPSHOT-3c2ae78_linux_amd64.tar.gz
  • docker images
    • building docker image                          image=avaplatform/signature-aggregator:v0.1.0-rc0-amd64


$ docker run -v $(pwd)/signature-aggregator/sample-signature-aggregator-config.json:/config.json avaplatform/signature-aggregator:v0.1.0-rc0-amd64 --config-file /config.json
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2024-09-11T22:25:03.001Z","logger":"signature-aggregator","caller":"main/main.go:76","msg":"Initializing signature-aggregator"}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2024-09-11T22:25:03.001Z","logger":"signature-aggregator","caller":"main/main.go:79","msg":"Initializing app request network"}
{"level":"debug","timestamp":"2024-09-11T22:25:03.086Z","logger":"p2p-network","caller":"dialer/dialer.go:52","msg":"creating dialer","throttleRPS":50,"dialTimeout":30000000000}
{"level":"info","timestamp":"2024-09-11T22:25:03.086Z","logger":"signature-aggregator","caller":"main/main.go:134","msg":"Initialization complete"}

Or, for the relayer:

$ goreleaser release --single-target --clean --snapshot --config relayer/.goreleaser.yml
$ docker run -v $(pwd)/sample-relayer-config.json:/config.json avaplatform/icm-relayer:v1.0.4-test12-amd64 --config-file /config.json