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Getting Started

David San Filippo edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 4 revisions

#Introduction Welcome to Sitecore Foundation, our development accelerator for Sitecore. Used on several large projects, this has a collection of common features that will solve many common requirements.

Sitecore Foundation has been completely refactored to leverage Helix Principles.

#Getting Started

Please note that the project assumes the following settings:

Source location: C:\sitecoreFoundation\
Website location: C:\websites\\
Website URL: StarterKit URL:

To change these settings see the "Configuring your settings" below


Important!: Always run your Visual Studio or Command Line with elevated privileges or As Administrator

Please check the [Resources] page for the tools needed

To install:

  1. Clone this repository to your local file system.
  2. (optional) Configure your settings if you are using settings other than the defaults:
    • The default settings for Sitecore Foundation are
    • To change the standard location of the source files, website files and website URL, modify the following files:
      • Please be aware to include or omit trailing slashes - as per the default
      • /src/Project/StarterKit/code/App_Config/Include/Project.StarterKit/z.StarterKit.DevSettings.config
      • /gulp-config.js
      • /publishsettings.targets
  3. Set up a clean Sitecore install with the settings from the previous step

Note that there are separate branches that support Sitecore 9 and Sitecore 9.1.

  1. Restore Node.js modules: In an elevated privileges command prompt (started with Run as administrator), run 'npm install' in the root of repository. Notes:
    • Make sure you have version 4+ of node.js Download here
    • You may want to use the Node.JS command prompt instead of the regular command prompt so that paths to Note.JS and other concerns are already set
    • Also Run **'npm install -g windows-build-tools' (avoids python issue)
  2. Build and publish the solution using either:


The project is configured to run Gulp through the command line or using the Task Runner Explorer pane in Visual Studio 2015.

In the initial installation running the default task will execute all the configuration and building tasks for the solution. If for some reason setup fails, it is possible to run the install tasks one by one:

  • 01-Copy-Sitecore-Lib will copy the assemblies from the Sitecore website to the solution
  • 02-Nuget-Restore restores the nuGet packages used by all projects in the solution
  • 03-Publish-All-Projects builds and publishes all the Visual Studio projects to the Sitecore website in the right order
  • 04-Apply-Xml-Transform makes the needed changes to the web.config in the Sitecore website
  • 05-Sync-Unicorn runs a complete synchronization of Unicorn for all projects in the right order

Helper tasks

  • The Auto-Publish-[...] tasks help by automatically publishing files when they are changed.
    • The Auto-Publish-Css automatically publishes .css files when changed (Configure Sass compilation in Visual Studio)
    • The Auto-Publish-Assemblies task publishes assemblies as they are built using the standard Visual Studio build process
    • The Auto-Publish-Views task publishes .cshtml files when they are changed.
  • The Publish-[...] tasks helps you by manually publishing different types of files or project types to your website.