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Doorkeeper support for OpenID Connect Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow


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Doorkeeper support for OpenID Connect Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow

This library implements the OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow - Core 1.0 for Rails applications on top of the Doorkeeper OAuth 2.0 framework and Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect extention.

This is a OpenSource implementation of CIBA specification.

Table of Contents


The following parts of OpenID Connect Client-Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow - Core 1.0 are planned to be supported for v1.0:

Affected endpoints:

  • New endpoints:

    • POST /backchannel/authorize --> authentication requests w/ possible parameters, returning parameters auth_req_id, expires_in and interval, or error response
    • GET /backchannel/authinfo --> get auth info to show in authorization device (eg. binding message, auth req id status)
    • POST /backchannel/complete --> completes the flow updating the consent status of request id.
    • POST /backchannel/clientconfig --> change the client (application) configuration to CIBA: notification type (POLL, PING or PUSH) and set the notification endpoint for PING or PUSH.
  • Changed endpoints:

    • POST /oauth/token --> token requests w/ grant_type urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba and auth_req_id, returning access_token, token_type, refresh_token, expires_in and id_token, or error response
  • New Active Record tables:

    • backchannel_auth_requests - current status of an authorization request id
    • backchannel_auth_consent_history - history of consent (approve / disapprove).
  • Changed Active Record tables:

    • oauth_applications - new columns ciba_notify_type and ciba_notify_endpoint (configuration for notify type)
    • oauth_access_tokens - new column ciba_auth_req_id (relation with ciba request id <-> oauth2/OIDC token/JWT).

ps. auth_req_id --> "authentication request ID" (transaction identifier) issued from the backchannel authentication endpoint.


+-------------+                +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Consumption |                | doorkeeper-ciba                                                         |
| Device      |                |  +---------------------+                  +---------------------------+ |
|             |                |  | Inside CIBA spec    |       (3)        | Outside CIBA spec         | |
|             |  (1) POST      |  |  +---------------+  |  Notify pending  |  +----------------------+ | |
|             | -------------------> | BackChannel   |  | consent approval |  | Authorization Device | | |
|             | <-[auth_req_id]-(2)- | Authorize     | ---[Auth Result ID]--> |- OID Auth            | | |
|             |                |  |  |               |          (4)        |  |- Consent Approval    | | |
|             |                |  |  +---------------+ <-- [Get Auth Info] -- +----------------------+ | |
|             |                |  |                     ------ auth info --->                          | |
|             |                |  |                     |                  +------------|--------------+ |
|             |                |  |                     |                           (5) |                |
|             |                |  |                     |                        [Auth Result ID]        |
|             |                |  |                     |                               |                |
|             |                |  |                     --------------------------------V------------+   |
|             |  (6) POST      |  |  +---------------+    (7)                 +--------------------+ |   |
|             | -[auth_req_id]-----> | CIBA Token    | --[Auth Result ID]-->  | Update BackChannel | |   |
|             | <-Error or token--|  | Request/Reply | <--------------------  | Request Id Status  | |   |
|             |                |  |  +---------------+                        +--------------------+ |   |
|             |                |  +------------------------------------------------------------------+   |
+-------------+                +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+

--> BackChannel Authorize - /backchannel/authorize
--> OID Auth - /oauth/authorize 
--> Get Auth Info /backchannel/authinfo
--> Consent Aproval (or disaproval) - /backchannel/complete
--> CIBA Token Request/Reply - /oauth/token w/ grant_type = urn:openid:params:grant-type:ciba
--> Notify pending consent approval - Consuption device solution dependent (eg. via e-mail, SMS, etc)
--> 6 and 7 repeat until it expires or receive the consent response, limited by a minimum trial interval (parameters returned by backchannel-authorize).
--> Authorization Device will use a sample web application (currently in development)

  • Features that will be planned in near future:
    • [Outside CIBA: Sample Web consent channel]: The CIBA specification doesn´t define how the consent channel should be implemented. The idea is to develop a sample web application, protected by Open Id/Oauth2, for the user give the consent. The application will be accessed through a link found in a e-mail notification, an email that will be sent by the backchannel authorization endpoint (asking for consent). After the user fills in their credentials and confirms/refute consent, the approval status of the pending CIBA flow will be changed to approved/disapproved. The notes found in spec follow bellow:
    • Suport for signed request parameters
    • Support for user codes.
    • "Mutual TLS" support - ref. mtls,ciba auth req and ciba signed auth req - validation / adaptations (client_id)
    • Maybe a queue for PING and PUSH notifications, with some resilience (RabbitMQ, Redis or even in database, with retry, etc), instead synchronous remote calls inside APIs calls.

Known Issues

  • N/A

Example Applications

  • Seeds entry sample for test:
appciba = Doorkeeper::Application.create!(
  name: 'CIBA',
  redirect_uri: 'https://localhost:3000/someapp',
  uid: 'CIBAUID',
  secret: 'CIBASECRET',
  scopes: 'openid ciba',
  ciba_notify_type: 'POLL', # PING OR PUSH
  ciba_notify_endpoint: 'https://localhost:3000/backchannel/testcibacallback'

puts "
  Client:        #{}
  Client ID:     #{appciba.uid}
  Client Secret: #{appciba.secret}
  Redirect URI:  #{appciba.redirect_uri}
  Scopes:        #{appciba.scopes}
  ciba_notify_type:        #{appciba.ciba_notify_type}
  ciba_notify_endpoint:        #{appciba.ciba_notify_endpoint}"
  • Sample SOAPUI project can be found in Scripts/IDP-soapui-project.xml


Make sure your application is already set up with Doorkeeper and Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile and run bundle install:

gem 'doorkeeper-ciba', git:, branch: 'main'

ps. you can exec "bundle add doorkeeper-ciba --git --branch 'main'" also.

Run the installation generator to update routes and create the initializer:

rails generate doorkeeper:openid_connect:ciba:install

Generate a migration for Active Record (other ORMs are currently not supported):

rails generate doorkeeper:openid_connect:ciba:migration
rake db:migrate


After the installation process, an initialization file with configurable options will be created in config/initializers/doorkeeper_openid_connect_ciba.rb, edit as recommended in the comments.

Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect::Ciba.configure do

  # Expiration time for the req_id_token.
  # default_req_id_expiration 600

  # Max Expiration time for the req_id_token (default 1 day).
  # max_req_id_expiration 86400

  # Default minimum wait interval for token execution in poll mode
  #default_poll_interval 5

  # Max bind message size
  # option :max_bind_message_size, default: 128

  # mandatory configuration with the logic to validate the login_hint filled in both backchannel authentication and backchannel complete  
  # must return the id of the user as uuid
  #resolve_user_identity do |login_hint|
  #  user = User.find_by(email: login_hint, email_verified: true)
  # unless user.nil?

  # mandatory configuration with the logic to get the e-mail of the user based on auth req id  
  #resolve_email_by_auth_req_id do |auth_req_id|
  #  user ='').joins("inner join backchannel_auth_requests authreq on = authreq.identified_user_id").where("authreq.auth_req_id" => auth_req_id)
  # if user.count > 0

  # mandatory config : add new permission to grant type ciba 


The installation generator will update your config/routes.rb to define all required routes:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  # your custom routes here

This will mount the following routes:

POST  /backchannel/authorize
GET /backchannel/authinfo
POST  /backchannel/complete
POST /backchannel/clientconfig 

Internationalization (I18n)

We use Rails locale files for error messages and scope descriptions, see config/locales/en.yml. You can override these by adding them to your own translations in config/locales.


Run bundle install to setup all development dependencies.

To run all specs:

bundle exec rake spec

To generate and run migrations in the test application:

bundle exec rake migrate

To run the local engine server:

bundle exec rake server

By default, the latest Rails version is used. To use a specific version run:

rails=4.2.0 bundle update


Doorkeeper::OpenidConnect::Ciba is released under the MIT License.


Carlos Eduardo Gorges


Initial development of this project was sponsored by TODO.


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Contributors 3
