Releases: auspham/FireShare
Releases · auspham/FireShare
Beta release 1.0.0
Non serverless version
- Login, Register, Authentication using JWT Token.
- Database.
- Upload/Share/Unshare/Edit/Remove/Download file with other people - with Authentication
- Pub-sub model on file with real-time update.
What can the user do?
- User can create an account/register an account. To register, the email must not be used by any other user.
- Owner can upload/share/delete his file with anyone who is in the system.
- If owner shared with someone, owner can remove his file from sharing with that person, or choose not to share with anyone.
- Owner can rename the file - by clicking at the name of the file.
- User can see which file is shared with him, he can choose to unshare it if he wants.
- User have real-time update on the file he subscribes (is shared/owned) to.
- User can download if the file is shared to him or is owned by him. - Only user who has these privilege can download the file