🍣 A Rollup plugin which improve rollup usage with nodejs projects
This plugin declares all nodejs native deps in external and try to remove require/import for all unknown others. It's solve (most of the time) optional import from an external library that rollup actually don't manage very well ;).
This plugin requires an LTS Node version (v12.0.0+) and Rollup v1.20.0+.
Using npm:
npm install rollup-plugin-node --save-dev
Create a rollup.config.js
configuration file and import the plugin:
import rollupPluginNode from 'rollup-plugin-node';
export default {
input: 'src/index.js',
output: {
dir: 'output',
format: 'cjs'
plugins: [rollupPluginNode()]
That's all!!
Tips: put it after commonjs node
additionalOptionalDeps: {
'somethingVeryUsefull.node': './addon',
'partial/path/somethingVeryUsefullWithPartialPath.node': './addon',
: : A map of filename and destination (relative to the output)