The REST API client for Open edX REST API allows users to communicate with various edX REST APIs. It is based on, whith a few differences:
- It does not depend on Django
- What is called 'the client' in edX's version is now called 'session'.
- As the edX's version relies on Django's cache, now the token is stored in memory under the scope of the session object
- The client here encompasses the session, and one function per REST API entry point
Part of the code is also taken from Opencraft's implementation of the openedx client.
$ make validate
The OpenedxRESTAPIClient
object starts a session with the LMS and provides methods to access the Open edX endpoints.
from openedx_rest_api_client.client import OpenedxRESTAPIClient
client_id = 'my_client_id'
client_secret = 'my_client_secret'
lms_url = ''
# create client
client = OpenedxRESTAPIClient(lms_url, client_id, client_secret)
# get a list of all courses
courses = client.list_all_courses()
Get the full list of courses visible to the requesting user. Calls the /api/courses/v1/courses LMS endpoint
- org: filter by organization
- List of dict in the form:
[ { "blocks_url": "<org>%2B<code>%2B<edition>", "effort":"01:00", "end":"None", "enrollment_start":"None", "enrollment_end":"None", "id":"course-v1:<org>+<code>+<run>", "media":{ "course_image":{ "uri":"<img path>" }, "course_video":{ "uri":"None" }, "image":{ "raw":"<img url>", "small":"<img url>", "large":"<img url>" } }, "name":"Course name", "number":"<edition>", "org":"<org>", "short_description":"", "start":"2018-01-11T00:00:00Z", "start_display":"11 de Enero de 2018", "start_type":"timestamp", "pacing":"instructor", "mobile_available":true, "hidden":false, "invitation_only":false, "course_id":"course-v1:<org>+<code>+<edition>" }, ... ]
Enroll or unenroll (depending on the value of action) the list of emails in the list of courses. Calls the /api/bulk_enroll/v1/bulk_enroll/ LMS endpoint
- emails: list of emails to enroll
- courses: list of course ids to enroll
- action: can be 'enroll' or 'unenroll'
- url: url of the LMS (base or site). If not specified, uses the base url of the session. Defaults to the LMS base.
- auto_enroll: if true, the users will be automatically enrolled as soon as they register. Defaults to true.
- email_students: if true, an email will be sent with the update. Defaults to true.
- cohorts: List of cohort names to add the students to.
dict in the form:
{ "action":"enroll", "courses":{ "course-v1:ORG+CODE+EDITION":{ "action":"enroll", "results":[ { "identifier":"[email protected]", "after":{ "enrollment":true, "allowed":false, "user":true, "auto_enroll":false }, "before":{ "enrollment":false, "allowed":false, "user":true, "auto_enroll":false } }, ... ], "auto_enroll":true }, ... }, "email_students":true, "auto_enroll":true }
Validates the account registration form. Calls the /api/user/v1/validation/registration API endpoint.
- url: url of the LMS (base or site). If not specified, uses the base url of the session. Defaults to the LMS base.
- **kwargs: dict with form parameters to validate. E.g.:
{ email=<email>, username=<username>, name=<name>, password=<password>, honor_code=<honor_code>, terms_of_service=<terms_of_service>, }
Returns: dict in the form:
{ 'validation_decisions': { <field name>: <validation result, or empty if success>, ... }, 'username_suggestions': [<username suggestions * 3>] }
Registers a new user account. Calls the /api/user/v1/account/registration/ API endpoint.
- email: email to register
- username: username to register
- name: full name of the user
- password: password
- url: url of the LMS (base or site). If not specified, uses the base url of the session.
- Defaults to the LMS base.
Additional default fields accepted:
- name: full name of the user
- level_of_education *: one of:
- 'p': 'Doctorate'
- 'm': "Master's or professional degree"
- 'b': "Bachelor's degree"
- 'a': "Associate degree"
- 'hs': "Secondary/high school"
- 'jhs': "Junior secondary/junior high/middle school"
- 'el': "Elementary/primary school"
- 'none': "No formal education"
- 'other': "Other education"
- gender *: can be 'm', 'f', or 'o'
- mailing_address *
- city *
- country: ISO3166-1 two letters country codes as used in django_countries.countries *
- goals *
- year_of_birth *: numeric 4-digit year of birth
- honor_code *: Bool. If mandatory and not set will not create the account.
- terms_of_service *: Bool. If unset, will be set equally to honor_code
- marketing_emails_opt_in *: Bool. If set, will add a is_marketable user attribute (see Student > User Attributes in Django admin)
- provider: Oauth2 provider information
- social_auth_provider: Oauth2 provider information
* Can be set as hidden, optional or mandatory in REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS setting.
Returns: Dict with the form:
- If successful:
{ 'success': True, 'redirect_url': <redirection url to finish the authorization and go to the dashboard> }
- If error:
{ <field name>: [ {'user_message': <error message>} ] 'error_code': <error code>, 'username_suggestions': [<username suggestions> * 3] }
To contribute, please send a message to [email protected]