Nodes share the same swarm key can talk to each other.
$ docker compose private-ipfs up
$ docker compose exec private-ipfs ipfs add -r /data/test-data
added QmR9r7U1yujMsFRR3qQzzKi3gNmCn5b8ffdsBoELtpBwHC test-data/large.type
added QmRKrcmm2PKqSWg37gQ1NQ1MWopP7aGDFHHeEYf5jPM4rZ test-data/name.type
added QmRRtYCpsaAg2Ffy9iQzRcYdH4EbqfoupdqWE7216yJP1M test-data/name.type2
added Qmdz1JJ1A4LCDEG1bQ6LTigcrtLBzK1JpyEew8qx3gV6Db test-data
You can't find Qmdz1JJ1A4LCDEG1bQ6LTigcrtLBzK1JpyEew8qx3gV6Db
on public network. Check
You can't load resources from public network.
$ docker compose exec private-ipfs ipfs get bafkreia3tfqergbwe4oklbm2eukrvcf6x3nhhsfadlhbuydx2ej2pwuqcm Peers share the same cluster secret will consider to be in the same cluster, become the replicas of each other.
$ docker compose up cluster1
INFOcluster ipfs-cluster/cluster.go:764 ** IPFS Cluster is READY **
$ docker compose exec cluster0 ipfs-cluster-ctl add -r /data/test-data
added QmR9r7U1yujMsFRR3qQzzKi3gNmCn5b8ffdsBoELtpBwHC test-data/large.type
added QmRKrcmm2PKqSWg37gQ1NQ1MWopP7aGDFHHeEYf5jPM4rZ test-data/name.type
added QmRRtYCpsaAg2Ffy9iQzRcYdH4EbqfoupdqWE7216yJP1M test-data/name.type2
added Qmdz1JJ1A4LCDEG1bQ6LTigcrtLBzK1JpyEew8qx3gV6Db test-data
$ docker compose exec cluster1 ipfs-cluster-ctl pin ls
Qmdz1JJ1A4LCDEG1bQ6LTigcrtLBzK1JpyEew8qx3gV6Db | | PIN | Repl. Factor: -1 | Allocations: [everywhere] | Recursive | Metadata: no | Exp: ∞ | Added: 2024-01-15 02:36:02
Content you added to cluster peer1 will be automatically pinned to other peers in the cluster
$ docker compose bacalhau up
$ docker compose exec bacalhau bacalhau docker run --gpu 1 -- python --o ./outputs --p "cod swimming through data"