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Yi Build Status

Yi is a text editor written in Haskell and extensible in Haskell. The goal of Yi is to provide a flexible, powerful and correct editor core scriptable in Haskell.

Its features include

  • a purely functional editor core;
  • keybindings written as parsers of the input;
  • Emacs, Vim and Cua (subset) emulations provided by default;
  • Vty (terminal) and Gtk-based Pango UIs

The long term goal of the project is to make Yi the editor of choice for the haskell hacker. The main short term goal is to maximize Yi's Fun Factor. This means that we want to

  • improve hackability (and therefore architecture) and
  • add cool features.

We also want to simplify the core Yi package to make it more accessible, splitting some parts into several packages.

Other information (much of it old) is available on the Haskell wiki.



See this documentation page for installation instructions. Hacking instructions if you're using the nix package manager are also there.

Getting Source

Yi source repository is available on GitHub.

To get the git version,

$ git clone git://

If you plan to do more serious hacking, you probably want the supporting repositories from the GitHub project page. You should cross-reference with the cabal file to see what you might need.

Reporting Bugs

Please report issues on GitHub.

Mailing List

Our mailing list is yi-devel, hosted at Google Groups. Please ask us questions on this list! All development discussion occurs on this list.

IRC channel

Our channel is #yi at Freenode. Please note that it is rather slow (very slow compared to #haskell), so be prepared to stay for longer than 5 minutes.

Configuring Yi

Yi uses the Dyre package to have dynamic reconfiguration. You can configure Yi by creating ~/.config/yi/yi.hs, and then Yi is reconfigured whenever you update this file. Example configuration files are in yi/examples/ (copy any of these into ~/.config/yi/ as yi.hs and restart Yi).

You can also use the sample user configs in the yi-contrib package (see the list of user configs in the source repository on GitHub). To use one of these configurations, install the package and then create a configuration file ~/.config/yi/yi.hs like this:

import Yi
import Yi.Config.Users.Anders

main = yi config

It's possible to customize even these user configs in the same way as the example configurations.

Frontend Compatibility

        |  Vty    Pango
Linux   |   X       X
OSX     |   X       X
Windows |           X

Windows support for Vty may eventually come; patches on the vty package would certainly be appreciated.

The plan is to move the UI frontends into separate packages, but this has not yet happened.


If you're interested in optimizing Yi, here is a way to get profiling:

  1. Change ghcOptions in yi/src/library/Yi/Main.hs:
-                  ghcOptions = [],
+                  ghcOptions = ["-auto-all", "-prof", "-osuf=p_o", "-hisuf=p_hi", "-rtsopts"],
  1. Recompile yi with --enable-library-profiling:
cabal configure --enable-library-profiling && cabal install --reinstall
  1. Run yi first to get a compiled real executable.

  2. Then call real executable from cache directory with profiling options. On any XDG-compatible (Unix-like) system this should look like:

~/.cache/yi/yi-linux-x86_64 +RTS -Pa

Reading material

There are some papers which might interest you. If you plan on hacking on Yi, it's very recommended that you read these


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