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This just fixed the figure -- where Wind was plotted instead of Temp
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ericward-noaa committed Feb 26, 2021
1 parent a7b089c commit c6e3d66
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Showing 38 changed files with 1,211 additions and 24 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Lab-intro-to-stan/fitting-models-with-stan.Rmd
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
pdf_document: default
html_document: default
pdf_document: default
```{r stan-setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, comment = NA, cache = TRUE, tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff = 60), tidy = TRUE, fig.align = "center", out.width = "80%", warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ One of the other useful things we can do is look at the predicted values of our
```{r stan-fig-lm, fig.cap='Data and predicted values for the linear regression model.'}
plot(apply(pars$pred, 2, mean),
main = "Predicted values", lwd = 2,
ylab = "Wind", ylim = c(min(pars$pred), max(pars$pred)), type = "l"
ylab = "Temp", ylim = c(min(pars$pred), max(pars$pred)), type = "l"
lines(apply(pars$pred, 2, quantile, 0.025))
lines(apply(pars$pred, 2, quantile, 0.975))
points(Wind, col = "red")
points(Temp, col = "red")

### Burn-in and thinning {#sec-stan-burn}
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78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions Lab-intro-to-stan/hw_week7.Rmd
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
## Problems {#sec-week7-problems}

For the second part of the homework, we'll use data from the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) to ask questions about identifying regimes. This dataset can be accessed via the `rpdo` package. First, let's grab the data.

```{r read-data}
pdo <- rsoi::download_pdo()
pdo$water_year = pdo$Year
pdo$water_year[which(pdo$Month%in%c("Oct","Nov","Dec"))] = pdo$water_year[which(pdo$Month%in%c("Oct","Nov","Dec"))] + 1
pdo = dplyr::group_by(pdo, water_year) %>%
dplyr::summarize(winter_pdo = mean(PDO[which(Month %in% c("Oct","Nov","Dec","Jan","Feb"))])) %>%
dplyr::select(winter_pdo,water_year) %>%

1. Identifying regimes using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)

a. Start by fitting a 2-state HMM to the annual indices of winter PDO. You're welcome to use any package / method you like ('depmixS4' would be a good choice if you're unsure). Assume Gaussian errors.

b. Try to fit the model 10-20 times. Does the likelihood seem reasonably stable?

c. Change the model to a 3-state model. Using AIC as a model selection metric, does the 3-state model perform better (lower AIC) compared to the 2-state model? What about a 1-state model?

d. What is the transition matrix for the best model? What are the persistence probabilities (e.g. probabilities of being in the same state)?

e. Plot the probability of being in the various states from your best model (e.g. probability of being in state 1 over time)

f. Plot the time series of predicted values form the model

f. If you include time varying parameters (e.g. year) in the means of each state, or state transition probabilities, does the model do any better?

2. Bayesian MARSS modelling

data(neon_barc, package = "atsalibrary")
data <- neon_barc
data$indx <- seq(1, nrow(data))
n_forecast <- 7
n_lag_o2 <- 1
n_lag_temp <- 1
last_obs <- nrow(data)
create_stan_data <- function(data, last_obs, n_forecast, n_lag_o2,
n_lag_temp) {
# create test data
o2_test <- dplyr::filter(data, indx %in% seq(last_obs + 1,
(last_obs + n_forecast)))
temp_test <- dplyr::filter(data, indx %in% seq(last_obs +
1, (last_obs + n_forecast)))
o2_train <- dplyr::filter(data, indx <= last_obs, !
o2_x <- o2_train$indx
o2_y <- o2_train$oxygen
o2_sd <- o2_train$oxygen_sd
n_o2 <- nrow(o2_train)
temp_train <- dplyr::filter(data, indx <= last_obs, !
temp_x <- temp_train$indx
temp_y <- temp_train$temperature
temp_sd <- temp_train$temperature_sd
n_temp <- nrow(temp_train)
stan_data <- list(n = last_obs, n_lag_o2 = n_lag_o2, n_lag_temp = n_lag_temp,
n_forecast = n_forecast, n_o2 = n_o2, o2_x = o2_x, o2_y = o2_y,
o2_sd = o2_sd, n_temp = n_temp, temp_x = temp_x, temp_y = temp_y,
temp_sd = temp_sd)
return(list(o2_train = o2_train, temp_train = temp_train,
stan_data = stan_data, o2_test = o2_test, temp_test = temp_test))
m <- stan_model(file = "model_02.stan")

45 changes: 24 additions & 21 deletions Lab-intro-to-stan/model_02.stan
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Expand Up @@ -22,23 +22,23 @@ parameters {
vector[n+n_forecast-1] o2_devs;
vector[n+n_forecast-1] temp_devs;
//cov_matrix[2] Sigma;
real log_o2_sd_proc;
real log_temp_sd_proc;
real o2_x0[n_lag_o2]; // initial conditions
real<lower=-1,upper=1> o2_b[n_lag_o2];
real<lower=0.05, upper=0.25> o2_sd_proc;
real<lower=0.3,upper=0.6> temp_sd_proc;
real<lower=2> o2_df;
real<lower=2> temp_df;
real temp_x0[n_lag_temp]; // initial conditions
real<lower=-1,upper=1> temp_b[n_lag_temp];
real<lower=-1,upper=1> temp_b[n_lag_temp];
transformed parameters {
real o2_sd_proc;
real temp_sd_proc;
vector[n+n_forecast] o2_pred;
vector[n_forecast] o2_forecast;
vector[n+n_forecast] temp_pred;
vector[n_forecast] temp_forecast;
vector[n_lag_temp] temp_b_trans;
vector[n_lag_o2] o2_b_trans;

o2_sd_proc = exp(log_o2_sd_proc);
temp_sd_proc = exp(log_temp_sd_proc);
// predictions for first states
for(t in 1:n_lag_o2) {
o2_pred[t] = o2_x0[t];
Expand All @@ -50,18 +50,16 @@ transformed parameters {
for(i in (1+n_lag_o2):(n+n_forecast)) {
o2_pred[i] = 0;
for(k in 1:n_lag_o2) {
o2_pred[i] = o2_pred[i] + o2_b[k]*o2_pred[i-k];
o2_pred[i] += o2_b[k]*o2_pred[i-k];
o2_pred[i] = o2_pred[i] + o2_sd_proc*o2_devs[i-1];
if(o2_pred[i] < 0) o2_pred[i] = 0;
o2_pred[i] += o2_sd_proc*o2_devs[i-1];
for(i in (1+n_lag_temp):(n+n_forecast)) {
temp_pred[i] = 0;
for(k in 1:n_lag_temp) {
temp_pred[i] = temp_pred[i] + temp_b[k]*temp_pred[i-k];
temp_pred[i] += temp_b[k]*temp_pred[i-k];
temp_pred[i] = temp_pred[i] + temp_sd_proc*temp_devs[i-1];
if(temp_pred[i] < 0) temp_pred[i] = 0;
temp_pred[i] += temp_sd_proc*temp_devs[i-1];

// this is redundant but easier to work with output -- creates object o2_forecast
Expand All @@ -74,16 +72,21 @@ transformed parameters {
model {
// initial conditions
o2_x0 ~ normal(0,1);
o2_b ~ normal(0,1);
o2_x0 ~ normal(7,3);
o2_b ~ normal(1,1);
// coefficients
temp_x0 ~ normal(0,1);
temp_b ~ normal(0,1);
log_o2_sd_proc ~ normal(-2,1);
log_temp_sd_proc ~ normal(-2,1);
temp_x0 ~ normal(22,3);
temp_b ~ normal(1,1);
o2_sd_proc ~ student_t(3,0,2);
temp_sd_proc ~ student_t(3,0,2);
//o2_sd_obs ~ student_t(3,0,2);
//temp_sd_obs ~ student_t(3,0,2);
// df parameters
o2_df ~ student_t(3,2,2);
temp_df ~ student_t(3,2,2);
// process standard deviations
o2_devs ~ std_normal();
temp_devs ~ std_normal();
o2_devs ~ student_t(o2_df,0,1);
temp_devs ~ student_t(temp_df,0,1);

// likelihood
for(t in 1:n_o2) {
Expand Down
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions Lab-intro-to-stan/model_03.stan
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@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
data {
int<lower=0> n; // size of trainging set (with NAs)
int<lower=0> n_o2; // number of observations
int o2_x[n_o2];
real o2_y[n_o2];
real o2_z[n_o2];
real o2_sd[n_o2];
int<lower=0> n_temp; // number of observations
int temp_x[n_temp];
real temp_y[n_temp];
real temp_sd[n_temp];
int n_forecast;
int n_lag_o2;
int n_lag_temp;
transformed data {
vector[2] zeros;
matrix[2,2] identity;
int lag_o2;
int lag_temp;
zeros = rep_vector(0, 2);
identity = diag_matrix(rep_vector(1.0,2));

lag_o2 = 1;
lag_temp = 1;
if(n_lag_o2 > 1) lag_o2 = 1;
if(n_lag_temp > 1) lag_temp = 1;
parameters {
vector[2] devs[n+n_forecast-1];
cov_matrix[2] Sigma;
matrix[2,2] ma_coefs;
//real<lower=2> nu;
real o2_depth; // o2 effect in observation model
real o2_x0[lag_o2]; // initial conditions
real temp_x0[lag_temp]; // initial conditions
real<lower=-2,upper=2> o2_b[lag_o2];
real<lower=-2,upper=2> temp_b[lag_temp];
real<lower=-2,upper=2> temp_on_o2_b[lag_o2];
real<lower=-2,upper=2> o2_on_temp_b[lag_temp];
real u_temp;
real u_o2;
transformed parameters {
vector[n+n_forecast] o2_pred;
vector[n_forecast] o2_forecast;
vector[n+n_forecast] temp_pred;
vector[n_forecast] temp_forecast;

// predictions for first states
for(t in 1:lag_o2) {
o2_pred[t] = o2_x0[t];
for(t in 1:lag_o2) {
temp_pred[t] = temp_x0[t];

for(i in (1+lag_o2):(n+n_forecast)) {
o2_pred[i] = u_o2;
if(n_lag_o2 > 0) {
for(k in 1:lag_o2) {
o2_pred[i] += o2_b[k]*o2_pred[i-k];// + temp_on_o2_b[k]*temp_pred[i-k];
} else {
o2_pred[i] += o2_pred[i-1];
o2_pred[i] += devs[i-1,1];
for(i in (1+lag_temp):(n+n_forecast)) {
temp_pred[i] = u_temp;
if(n_lag_temp > 0) {
for(k in 1:n_lag_temp) {
temp_pred[i] += temp_b[k]*temp_pred[i-k];// + o2_on_temp_b[k]*o2_pred[i-k];
} else {
temp_pred[i] = temp_pred[i-1];
temp_pred[i] += devs[i-1,2];

// this is redundant but easier to work with output -- creates object o2_forecast
// containing forecast n_forecast time steps ahead
for(t in 1:n_forecast) {
o2_forecast[t] = o2_pred[n_o2+t];
temp_forecast[t] = temp_pred[n_temp+t];

model {
// initial conditions, centered on mean
o2_x0 ~ normal(7,3);
temp_x0 ~ normal(22,3);

// AR coefficients
o2_b ~ normal(1,1);
temp_b ~ normal(1,1);
// coefficients on eachother
temp_on_o2_b ~ normal(0,1);
o2_on_temp_b ~ normal(0,1);
// optional
o2_depth ~ normal(0,1);
// df parameter
//nu ~ student_t(3,2,2);
devs[1] ~ multi_student_t(3, zeros, Sigma);
for(i in 2:(n+n_forecast-1)) {
devs[i] ~ multi_student_t(3, ma_coefs*devs[i-1], Sigma);
//devs[i] ~ multi_student_t(nu, zeros, Sigma);

// likelihood
for(t in 1:n_o2) {
o2_y[t] ~ normal(o2_pred[o2_x[t]], o2_sd[t]);
for(t in 1:n_temp) {
temp_y[t] ~ normal(temp_pred[temp_x[t]], temp_sd[t]);
generated quantities {



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