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Toaplan Version 2 FPGA Implementation

FPGA compatible cores of Toaplan Version 2 arcade hardware titles for MiSTerFPGA and OpenFPGA written by atrac17. Based on the Raizing FPGA implementation by Pramod Somashekar.

Implementation references TP-023 schematics and verified against Teki Paki (TP-020), Dogyūn!! (TP-022), Knuckle Bash (TP-023), Tatsujin Ō (TP-024), FixEight (TP-026) and Batsugun (TP-030).

The intent is for these cores to be a 1:1 playable implementation of Toaplan V2 hardware titles. Currently in beta state and in active development.


Supported Titles

Title PCB
Status Released
Teki Paki TP-020 No HD647180 Audio Implemented 20240511
Ghox TP-021 No HD647180 Audio & I/O WIP -
Dogyūn!! (Test Location) TX-022 Yes Z80 Audio WIP -
Dogyūn!! TP-022 Yes NEC V25 Audio - -
Knuckle Bash TP-023 Yes NEC V25 Audio - -
Tatsujin Ō TP-024 No - N/A Implemented 20220819
Whoopee!! TP-025 No Z80 N/A Implemented 20221225
FixEight TP-026 No NEC V25 Audio & I/O - -
V-V TP-027 Yes NEC V25 Audio - -
Batsugun TP-030 No NEC V25 Audio - -
Otenki Paradise: Snow Bros. 2 TP-033 No - N/A Implemented 20220904

External Modules

Module Function Author
fx68k Motorola 68000 CPU Jorge Cwik
t80 Zilog Z80 CPU Daniel Wallner
jt51 Yamaha YM2151 Jose Tejada Gomez
jt6295 OKI MSM6295 Jose Tejada Gomez
jtopl2 Yamaha OPL 2 Jose Tejada Gomez
jtframe FPGA Framework Jose Tejada Gomez; modified by Pramod Somashekar and atrac17
GP9001 Toaplan Graphics ASIC Pramod Somashekar

Known Issues

  • Sprite mux priority on explosions TP-020 / TP-025 [Issue]
  • JT6295 phrase command playback not implemented; results in playback issues for TP-024 [Issue]

PCB Check List

Clock Information

H-Sync V-Sync Source PCB Number
15.625kHz 59.637404 DSLogic + All Toaplan V2 Hardware

Crystal Oscillators

TP-020 (Teki Paki) TP-021 (Ghox)
Freq (MHz) Use
10.000 MHz M68000 / Z180 (Hardware)
27.000 MHz GP9001 / YM3812 / Z80 (FPGA)
Freq (MHz) Use
10.000 MHz M68000 / Z180
27.000 MHz GP9001 / YM2151
TX-022 (Dogyūn!! - Dogyuun) TP-024 (Tatsujin Oh-Truxton II)
Freq (MHz) Use
24.000 MHz M68000
27.000 MHz GP9001 / YM2151 / Z80
1.056 Mhz OKI MSM6295
Freq (MHz) Use
16.000 MHz M68000 / OKI MSM6295
27.000 MHz GP9001 / YM2151
TP-025 (Whoopee!! - Pipi & Bibi's) TP-033 (Otenki Paradise: Snow Bros. 2)
Freq (MHz) Use
10.000 MHz M68000
27.000 MHz GP9001 / YM3812 / Z80
Freq (MHz) Use
27.000 MHz GP9001 / YM2151
16.000 MHz M68000 / OKI MSM6295
32.000 MHz Not Utilized on TP-033

Pixel clock: 6.75 MHz

Estimated geometry:

432 pixels/line  

262 lines/frame  

PCB Components

TP-020 (Teki Paki) TP-021 (Ghox)
Chip Use
Motorola 68000 CPU Main CPU
Zilog Z80 CPU Sound CPU
Yamaha YM3812 OPL Audio
GP9001 Graphics VDP
Chip Use
Motorola 68000 CPU Main CPU
Zilog Z180 CPU Sound CPU
Yamaha YM3812 OPL Audio
GP9001 Graphics VDP
TX-022 (Dogyūn!! - Dogyuun) TP-024 (Tatsujin Oh-Truxton II)
Chip Use
Motorola 68000 CPU Main CPU
Zilog Z80 CPU Sound CPU
Yamaha YM3812 OPL Audio
GP9001 Graphics VDP
Chip Use
Motorola 68000 CPU Main CPU
Yamaha YM2151 OPM Audio
GP9001 Graphics VDP
TP-025 (Whoopee!! - Pipi & Bibi's) TP-033 (Otenki Paradise: Snow Bros. 2)
Chip Use
Motorola 68000 CPU Main CPU
Zilog Z80 CPU Sound CPU
Yamaha YM3812 OPL Audio
GP9001 Graphics VDP
Chip Use
Motorola 68000 CPU Main CPU
Yamaha YM2151 OPM Audio
GP9001 Graphics VDP

Additional Components (Board Dependent)

Chip Use
Zilog Z80 CPU Sound CPU
HD647180X Sound CPU & I/O Handling
NEC V25 Sound CPU & I/O Handling
GP9001 Second Graphics VDP

PCB Information

  • W.I.P

Control Layout

  • W.I.P

Keyboard Handler

  • Keyboard inputs mapped to mame defaults for all functions up to the third player; player three mapping is not listed below.
Services Coin/Start
P1 Start1
P2 Start2
P1 Coin5
P2 Coin6
Player 1 Player 2
P1 UpUp
P1 DownDown
P1 LeftLeft
P1 RightRight
P1 Bttn 1L-CTRL
P1 Bttn 2L-ALT
P1 Bttn 3Space
P2 UpR
P2 DownF
P2 LeftD
P2 RightG
P2 Bttn 1A
P2 Bttn 2S
P2 Bttn 3Q


Pramod Somashekar for his extensive work on the GP9001, Raizing FPGA implementation, general knowledge, and assistance with implementing Tatsujin Ō.

Jose Tejada for his extensive work on FPGA modules utilized in this implementation, general knowledge, and assistance.

@90s_cyber_thriller for loaning Dogyūn!!, Knuckle Bash, Tatsujin Ō, and Batsugun PCBs referenced for core development.


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Contact the author(s) for special licensing needs. Otherwise follow the GPLv3 license attached.