This project is based on previous work on Shoes MVC, but now does not use the Shoes toolkit. At the moment, it achieves a minimal set of cross-platform functionality based on using the wxRuby gem. There are plans to make this change in the future, but right now, the goal is just to get something working.
NOTE: this code is highly experimental and an early work in progress. It may or may not ever be completed, and it may or may not ever be useful.
You'll need to have the following gems installed to use this library:
- activerecord (to use the Rails integration)
- tagz (for the HTML rendering)
- wxruby (use wxruby-ruby19 for Ruby 1.9)
- sqlite3 (to use the SQLite3 drivers)
There are some tweaks required using the library with various environments. The known ones are highlighted below.
Apparently, there's a change in 1.8.7 that causes trouble with SWIG libraries: You may or may not hit this problem running 1.8.7, as it appears to be rather intermittent.
If you're using this on a 64-bit version of OSX, you'll want to make sure you do the following when you're installing the dependency gems:
$ env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64 -arch i686" gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc
The above line will ensure that when you run in 32-bit mode for wxRuby, that things will all work as expected.
Additionally, you might consider an alias like the following somewhere handy like .profile or .bashrc
$ alias wxruby="arch -i386 ruby -rubygems"
This link is also useful if using rvm and ruby 1.9.x: The magic is this command:
$ rvm install ruby-1.9.2-head -C --with-arch=x86_64,i386
Once you do the above, you should be able to successfully install the wxruby-ruby19 gem using the following platform magic:
$ gem install --platform x86-darwin-9 --no-ri --no-rdoc wxruby-ruby19
Amazingly enough, it seems to just work on Windows (Vista is the only tested configuration at the moment). YMMV.
In order to build the gem, simply execute the following command:
$ gem build ruby_mvc.gemspec
Once you're sure things are working, then push the gem to
$ gem push ruby_mvc-VERSION.gem