v4.4.0 (03.05.2018)
New Stuff
Added footerVendorsBlock
block including vendor javascript files in to twig layout #52
Added ability to change background color of the kss demo container #47
Added margin auto utilities and documented #34
Added background-color utilities and documented #73
added in gitignore #56
Added ability to manage transition on global link by a scss variable #54
Improved Form Controls styleguide documentation #28
Removed incorrect things from styleguide documentation of Buttons #53
Removed unnecesary callback function from gulp stylegulde task #59
Updated npm packages #68
scss de vendor-extension klasörünün kaldırılması #62
Added env
config in eslintrc #66
Improved styleguide documentation for Icons #51
Removed font-size
property from html
tag #58
Project colors ve backgrounds utility lerinin uncss ignore a eklenmesi #74
stylelint max-nesting-depth rule increased from 2 to 3 #71
Twig assets
function renamed as asset
in order to ensure synchronization between backend and frontend #72
Added transform to the stylegude example div element to keep fixed things inside to example container #69
Fixed wrong variable problem in image-retina
mixin #61
Fixed the problem that when occurs production build related with uncss #70
Added u
prefix to flex-column-reverse
utility class #63
You can’t perform that action at this time.