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dota2-clarity features custom console commands and training missions for Dota 2.

  1. Features

  • Cheat key bindings add convenience in practice lobbies
  • Advanced spectator controls make active spectating easier
  • Disable HUD partially or entirely
  • Display neutral camp spawn boxes
  • Display tower range circles
  • Seven grouped chat wheels that encapsulate almost every response
  • Practice drills (aliases and key bindings to be used in in a local game to practice specific skills; these are the training mission controls and setup without the training mission events)
    • Warding
    • Stacking and pulling
    • Juke paths
    • Lasthitting under towers
    • Tower range
  • Custom training missions
    • Pull warding
    • Rune warding
    • Vision warding
    • Radiant juke paths
    • Dire juke paths
  • Various useful console variables
    • Health bar settings
    • Minimap icon settings
    • Gameplay settings
    • Net graph to show FPS and ping
  • Various other aliases and key bindings
    • Quick courier
    • Cycle camera focus between runes and hero

  1. Quick Installation

If you don't already have an autoexec.cfg, installation is easy. Simply copy the cfg/ and scripts/ folders to Steam/SteamApps/common/dota 2 beta/dota/. This will install and enable the aliases and tutorials (the bindings and console variables will not be enabled by default; you should browse those and use the ones you like).

If you do have an autoexec.cfg, copy the cfg/clarity/ folder to Steam/SteamApps/common/dota 2 beta/dota/cfg and the scripts/tutorial/ folder to Steam/SteamApps/common/dota 2 beta/dota/scripts. Then add the following to your autoexec.cfg:

con_enable 1
exec clarity/use_tutorials_and_aliases.cfg

  1. Detailed Installation

The file structure is designed so that you can include only the parts of dota2-clarity that you want to use and ignore the rest. This works by keeping all files in Steam/SteamApps/common/dota 2 beta/dota/cfg/clarity and executing them from your autoexec.cfg.

  1. Copy the cfg/clarity/ folder to Steam/SteamApps/common/dota 2 beta/dota/cfg.
  2. Copy the scripts/tutorial/ folder to Steam/SteamApps/common/dota 2 beta/dota/scripts.

To enable only training missions and aliases (recommended):

  1. In your Steam/SteamApps/common/dota 2 beta/dota/cfg/autoexec.cfg file, add exec clarity/use_tutorials_and_aliases.cfg.
  2. Restart Dota 2, open the console, and enter one of the commands to start a training mission:
    • train_radiant_juke_paths
    • train_dire_juke_paths
    • train_pull_wards
    • train_rune_wards
    • train_vision_wards

To enable only some features (recommended):

  1. Open clarity/use_all.cfg and clarity/example_binds.cfg.
  2. Copy and modify the lines for the features you want to use into your autoexec.cfg.

To enable all features (not recommended):

  1. In your Steam/SteamApps/common/dota 2 beta/dota/cfg/autoexec.cfg file, add exec clarity/use_all.cfg.

  1. Usage

Explore the clarity/ directory and read the documentation in the files that interest you. Of particular interest is clarity/example_binds.cfg, which defines key bindings for aliases defined by Clarity.

To use practice drills:

  1. Start a local game with cheats enabled.
  2. Open the console and enter the command to start the drill you want to run, e.g. drill_juke_paths.
  3. Press the apostrophe key to print cheat keys to the console.

To use training missions:

  1. At the main interface without a game started, open the console and enter the command to start the tutorial, e.g. drill_rune_wards.
  2. Press the apostrophe key to print cheat keys to the console.

  1. Credits

  • Cyborgmatt for the original HUD disabling commands
  • devilesk for the exact neutal spawn camp box coordinates
  • Filk for one of the early autoexec.cfg's
  • TheParadoxataur ( for their map of juke paths
  • Chudooder for their chat wheel generator
  • gso's warding guide
  • Various Reddit threads

  1. Ownership

These scripts belong to the community. Feel free to extend them and share your changes.

  1. Changelog


  • Reorganized the file structure for ease of use and installation.
  • Fixed an issue where the quest log does not appear in the tutorials due to a change in the way tutorial scripts are written.


  • Added Dire juke paths training mission (train_dire_juke_paths).
  • Added vision warding training mission (train_vision_wards).
  • Fixed errors with the UI disablind aliases being too long.
  • For convenience, to run tutorials you can type train_... instead of tutorial_....
  • Made it harder to override all your console settings with those from dota2-clarity.


  • Initial release


Custom console scripts for Dota 2.






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