These script allow to use raspberry pi zero wifi as a flash drive(g_mass_storage). Flash drive contents are updatable from your pc using ssh via wifi. Available on Windows and Linux. On Windows works via git bash
Download raspberry pi OS. Write OS to SD card. Add line "dtoverlay=dwc2" at the end of /boot/config.txt. Eject SD card from your pc, then insert into raspberry pi.
Hint: Dont forget to enable ssh server on raspberry pi$ echo "dtoverlay=dwc2" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt $ sudo systemctl enable ssh
Connect cables
Clone this repo. Then configure config.txt in pcRemoteUSBDrive and piRemoteUSBDrive
$ git clone
Copy piUSBDrive/piRemoteUSBDrive to home folder of raspberry pi
$ cd piUSBDrive $ scp -r ./piRemoteUSBDrive <username>@<raspberrypi IP>:/home/<username>
- Put your files in piUSBDrive/pcRemoteUSBDrive/usbShare
- Go to directory piUSBDrive/pcRemoteUSBDrive
- Execute
$ cd piUSBDrive/pcRemoteUSBDrive $ cp <somefile> ./usbShare $ ./ # for connecting usb drive $ ./ # for disconnecting