Some scripts and data to help gather and process data from the NC DHHS about COVID-19.
For some visualizations of this data, see this Google Sheet.
There are a few bash
scripts in this repository which simplify fetching data from the DHHS website.
1 fetch
returns the JSON representation of the DHHS data. It just wraps the long ArcGIS URL in curl.
1 tocsv
makes a handy CSV representation of that by county, for tinkering with in Google Sheets, etc.
1 daily-fetch
is the script I run to populate the data/
I also capture the daily output of those scripts in the data/ directory, to establish a historical record of what DHHS published on what day. daily-fetch
is a slightly optimized and more consistent way to do that, but it basically does this:
./fetch > data/$(date --rfc-3339=date).json
./fetch | ./tocsv > data/$(date --rfc-3339=date).csv
To make a stacked graph of this data by County over time in Google Sheets I needed to group the data by county "horizontally". Each county needs to be a column, with the number of cases in colums below it. That's tedious to do in Bash, so main.go contains some code to pull the JSON and output it in a horizontal representation.