A PHP Laravel web application that uses most of Laravel technologies to build that gym system.The System is based on rules. Admin, City Manager, Gym Manager. All Crud operations running using data tables.
Admin: admin have access to everything in the system.
City Manager: can do what Gym Manager do with extra functionalities ...like he can see all gyms in his city and make CRUD on any gym or gym manager in his city.
Gym Manager:can CRUD training sessiosn and assign coaches to theses sessions.
Buy Package for user throw stripe: any role can buy pacakge for user thorw his visa.
Statistics: The system provide statistics for the following:
pie chart that shows the percent males to females attendance.
basic line chart which show how much money we got in 12 months for this year.
pie chart to show each city name and how many attendances have been made in his city.
pie chart that shows the top 10 users with there bought training Sessions number.
All Charts support filering by year.
The system provides an api for users.
endpoint to register, he needs to enter his (name ,email, gender ,password, password confirmation, date of birth, profile_image) all of these fields are required.
after user registeration an email verification link sent to him.
After user is verified a greeting message is sending to him using queue jobs.
endpoint to login by sending him an access token after specifing his email & password
endpoint to update his profile info
endpoint to see his remaining training session for example
endpoint to attend training sessions
endpoint to see his attendance history
After Registeritaion Success Mail Verification send to the user
1.clone the project
git clone https://github.com/ashrafeldawody/GYM-APP.git
- Run Composer install in the project folder
composer install
- Copy .env.example file in the project folder
cp .env.example .env
- install node pacakges
npm install
npm run dev
- install mysql server
create database with any name then edit the following in your .env file
- Run the following command
php artisan key:generate; php artisan migrate --seed; php artisan serve;
- open your browser and open the following link
if you face any problem don't hasitate to contact us.
Ayman kheirEldeen | Ashraf Eldawody |
Ahmed Hafez | Amr Abdallah |