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Vehicle Detection and Tracking

Vehicle detection and tracking in a video-feed.


This project is part of Udacity's Self-Driving Car Nanodegree program and much of the source comes from the program's lecture notes and quizzes.

Following steps were performed to setup the vehicle detection and tracking pipeline for a video-feed obtained from a front-facing camera.

  1. Data collection
  2. Feature selection: Histogram of Oriented Gradients, spatial-bins and color-histogram.
  3. Training the classifier to detect cars
  4. Sliding window search to find cars in an image
  5. Video implementation with bounding boxes on detections


  1. Python-3.5
  2. OpenCV-Python
  3. Moviepy
  4. Numpy
  5. Matplotlib
  6. Pickle
  7. Pathlib

Directory Layout

  • src : Contains the following source files.
    • : Contains the detection and tracking pipeline, runs the pipeline against an input video.
    • : Trains the SVM classifier with features extracted from the dataset available in training_images/ directory.
    • : Contains utility methods such as feature-extraction, finding sliding-windows/vehicles, etc.
    • : Sample methods for visualizing different stages of the pipeline.
    • : Serializes train-dataset images by storing their numpy-array representation in a pickle-file.
  • training_images : Train dataset containing vehicle and non-vehicle images.
  • test_images : Images to test different stages of the detection pipeline.
  • output_images : Output from pipeline stages run on test-images.
  • detected_video.mp4 : Output from the detection pipeline run on the input video.
  • model.p : Pickled SVM classifier model.

Running the car detection and tracking pipeline

Switch to the source directory and run the vehicle-detection script. This will take the video (project_video.mp4)[project_video.mp4] as input, runs the detection/tracking pipeline on it, and finally saves the output to detected_vehicles.mp4 in the parent directory.

cd src

Vehicle detection and tracking pipeline description

Let's go through the steps in the pipeline listed above. Please note that rest of this document refers to the source in src/ directory.

Data collection

Labeled images containing vehicles and non-vehicles provided by Udacity were collected. These images were selected from GTI vehicle image database and KITTI vision benchmark suite.

Numpy arrays of the collected images was pickled for reuse. Script performs this routine, saving the pickled file in image_data.p in the parent directory.

cd src
  • Number of vehicle train images: 6941
  • Number of non-vehicle train images: 8968

Sample images present in the dataset:


Feature selection: Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)

Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features of positive (image containing cars) and negative (image not containing cars) is considered, along with spatial-bin and color histogram features. Methods extract_features() and get_hog_features() in find the HOG features in an image, by using scikit-learn's hog() method.

Following parameters were used while extracting the features from the training dataset. These are available in the value object class FeatureParams inside Trial and error approach was taken to choose and fine-tune the parameters.

Parameter Value
Color Space YCrCb
HOG Orientations 8
HOG Pixels per cell 16
HOG Cells per block 4
HOG Channels All
Spatial bin size (32,32)
Number of Histogram bins 32

Sample HOG images in YCrCb color-space. Below images show that the HOG features of images containing cars is different from ones not having cars.

vehicle-hog non-vehicle-hog

Training the classifier

Classifier training routine is present in Following steps, in brief, are taken during this routine as available in the train() method.

  • Features of positive and negative samples are extracted.
  • Feature vectors (X) is created by stacking together positive and negative features. Here, negative to positive features ratio is 3:1 since the number of negative features that is obtained in the project-video is fairly bigger than the positive features.
  • Labels (y) corresponding to feature vectors is created.
  • For training the classifier, we split the dataset by assigning 20% of it to a test-set, with the remaining 80% used as train-set.
  • Feature-scaling is applied on the train-set using a StandardScaler(). This scaler subsequently scales the feature-vectors of test-set and other unseen images.
  • A Linear SVM classifier is chosen to classify vehicles and non-vehicles.

Accuracy of the classifier on test-set: 0.997

Sliding window search

To detect cars in an image, a sliding-window search approach is taken. Here we slide a window of a given size across the image, extracting the features within the window and running the classifier on the window-features to classify vehicles and non-vehicles. In, method slide_window() gets the windows and search_car_windows() searches for cars in a given window.

Window size chosen is 96x96 pixels as this was found to be a sufficient size for finding cars. To reduce the number of false-positives occuring from pixels falling outside the road, the search area is limited to [100,1180] along x-dimension and [400,500] along y-dimension. Overlap percentage for the sliding windows is set to 70%. This window-overlap makes use of the large number of (positive) features found around cars, hence reliably increasing the probability of its detection.

Below images show the detections following a sliding-window search. Note that not all detections contain cars.

Test image Car detections

Video implementation with bounding boxes on detections

Car detections obtained from the above step are clubbed together into a heatmap of boxes i.e. detected-boxes in vicinity are into one single box, where we apply a heatmap-threshold to filter out the boxes falling under a given threshold. This is implemented in add_heat() and apply_threshold() methods in

Test image Car heatmap

Once we get the thresholded heatmap, we draw bounding boxes around the heatmap using scipy.ndimage.measurements label() method. This returns the number of bounding boxes and the coordinates of bounding-boxes. Method draw_bboxes() in performs this step.

Test image Bounding box image

Note that there are still few false-positive predictions where either non-car pixels are classified as cars or car pixels are not classified as cars. We partially remove this by accumulating a number of heatmap windows i.e. hot-windows using HotWindows class in The idea behind this is to make use of the hot-windows for image-frames, which more or less would be the same if it falls under the video frame rate ~30 Hz. We add the hot-windows found in an image-frame to a list of existing hot-windows. While drawing the bounding boxes representing car-detections in the image, we threshold the number of hot-windows, currently set to 33, proportional to the frame-rate.

Above pipeline steps are run against the input video project_video.mp4 and the output is saved in detected_vehicles.mp4


This work has lots of room for improvement, some of which are noted below.

  1. Classifier training : Hard-negative mining could be used to reduce false-positives, where we record (negative) features which were classified to be positive and (re)train the classifier using hard-negative samples.

  2. Sliding window search with varying window sizes for target-objects (cars) at near and far distances would make the classification robust.

  3. There's also a limitation where vehicles at steep curve or near the horizon may not be detected since the pipeline looks for vehicles in a given xy-region.

  4. Alternatives to HOG + Linear SVM classifier could be used to fasten the rate of detection. With the current pipeline, it stands at about 1.4 FPS as given by the it/s (iterations per second) output given by Moviepy while writing to the output video file. I strongly believe that recent popular deep-learning methods like YOLO, Single Shot Multibox Detector would make the classification robust.