Work to do:
- Make the button toggle one or the other.
Add java script to load tables(as in semantic UI), forms and images.
Make a form for found an item! Image is necessary ?? Not really
Create and link routes to the page.
have mongo db as the database, configure database, link tables to the data base
install body-parser, link forms to actual list items(lost -> lost list and found -> found list), add security to forms to disable scripting. All routes must be RESTful. (Major work)
Install other dependencies including ejs (npm install ejs) express-sanitizer (for script avoidance)
Home page: Map blips and location item was lost is to be coded and recent 15 items are left to be shown on the map.
Styling of Items menu is left, Moments.js is to be added to show time when post was put up
Styling Login Page is left.
Image Uploading is left here. How do I upload image. Referencing through URL is not a good solution.
No Change here, this is just me adding some item and it displaying on the lists.
New and Edit Comments Section is OK.
That 3 days ago is static, It needs to be updated! Also Navigation 1,2,3 are static, need to add some there. Image styling is left (border:0, center etc), styling of page is also incomplete.
This is OK
Google sign up is left right now