This is a small demonstration of the open-source augmented reality system part of the Thymio programming adventure game. The demo was developed as part of a bachelor thesis whose report can be found here. The intend behind this demo is easiest understood by going through these slides.
Please see the files and LICENSE.txt.
To see an AR world, you have to print markers, that you can find at The following images are used in this demo:
- adahouse_3D.pdf
- orangehouse_3D.pdf
- worldcenter_orig.png, at a size of 11 cm x 11 cm.
This repository makes heavy use of git submodule to include its dependencies:
. – this demo
├── transmem - spatio-temporal frame library
├── assets – visual assets for this demo
└── thymio-ar – Qt integration of the tracking library
└── thymio-tracker – tracking library using OpenCV
This guide assumes a basic knowledge of Linux development tools.
This documentation assumes you are using Ubuntu 16.04. If you use another version, some packages might have different names or the compilation might not work at all (especially on older systems).
First, install a development environment. In a terminal, type:
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake-gui mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev git gitk libeigen3-dev libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libtbb2 libtbb-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libudev-dev
Then, install Qt 5 and Qt creator. Go on the Qt5 open source download page, and download the installer. Run it in a terminal (the exact name of the file might change slightly):
chmod +x
Then, install and compile OpenCV. Go on the OpenCV download page, and download the Linux archive for version 3.X. Unzip and compile it; in a terminal in the OpenCV directory:
mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && make
You now have a development environment ready to compile the Thymio-AR-Demo on Ubuntu.
Download it with git and update submodules:
git clone --recursive
When compiling for Android, the qgltf
binary is not provided in android_armv7/bin
To work around this problem, in that directory, simply link the gcc_64
version: ln -s ../../gcc_64/bin/qgltf
Launch Qt Creator and open
Go to the Projects tab, click Configure Project.
Still in the Projects tab, go to Desktop [...], select Build. In Build Steps, click Details on the qmake pane.
In the additional arguments field, add:
is where you have unzipped OpenCV, and YOUR_OPENCV_BIN
is where you have built it.
If you followed this document to build OpenCV, your YOUR_OPENCV_BIN
You can now run the app on your computer by clicking on the green run button at the bottom-left of the Qt Creator window.
First install the Ubuntu environment as described above. Then, install the Android environment as explained in the Qt5 documentation.
Then, go to the OpenCV download page, and download the Android archive for version 3.X.
Launch Qt Creator and open
Go to the Projects tab, go to Android [...], select Build. In Build Steps, click Details on the qmake pane.
In the additional arguments field, add:
is the directory where you unziped the OpenCV archive.
You can now deploy the app on your Android device by selecting the Android target in the bottom-left of the Qt Creator window, and then clicking the green run button.