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@ku1ik ku1ik released this 04 Feb 10:34
· 14 commits to develop since this release

Notable changes:

  • keyboard shortcuts are now easily discoverable via help popup triggered with ? key or the keyboard icon in the control bar
  • added "step back", triggered with , (comma) key, a complementary feature for existing "step forward" (. key)
  • refactored websocket driver, and upgraded it for recent changes in ALiS protocol (uses WS subprotocol negotiation, supports both 8 and 16 color palettes, partially supports input and marker events, and more)
  • player's core can now be run in a split mode, which greatly improves UI responsiveness in certain cases (see below)

The split mode, runs player's UI and player's core (parsing, terminal emulation) in separate OS threads, which improves UI's responsiveness during playback. In this setup the UI code runs in the window context, while the processing code runs in a WebWorker. The benefit of this configuration is typically observed only for high frame-rate / high bandwidth recordings. The player hosted on runs in the split mode. For typical demos/sessions it's not worth the setup hassle. This is advanced setup and in 99% of the cases you don't need it.