Backup a Google Drive account to a local device such as QNAP or a computer.
Written in Go, this script will obtain Read-only access to your Google Drive account, download your Drive to a local directory and on successive executions will only download changed files.
Native Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, and Scripts are exported and saved to the filesystem.
Supports filtering so you can choose to only backup a set of files based on a really flexible search query system.
Backup Slides
drivebackup --data ~/backup --filter "mimeType = 'application/'"
Backup Everything
drivebackup --data ~/backup
See for further examples of using --filter
#####Copy the drivebackup binary to your QNAP.
scp drivebackup [email protected]:
Replace [email protected] with the actual username and IP address
#####Run manually once to authenticate.
export HOME=/share/homes/admin
required because of a QNAP bug in sshd
./drivebackup --configure
#####Create cron job
echo '30 3 * * 0 /root/drivebackup --data /share/MD0_DATA/mybackupshare --filter "'\''1B8dgVVPsv2wOeE2pX19kNU91bTg'\'' in parents"' >> /etc/config/crontab
Be sure to change the command to include your own options
The above example will run at 03:30 every Sunday and backup everything from the Google Drive folder with an ID of 1B8dgVVPsv2wOeE2pX19kNU91bTg to the QNAP share called mybackupshare that is stored on the MD0_DATA volume.
#####Restart the cron daemon
crontab /etc/config/crontab && /etc/init.d/ restart