Area: CI build infrastructure.
Area: Support for builds of specific targets.
Area: Compile-time features or attributes.
Area: Source and library dependencies.
Area: Lowercase case mapping.
Area: Packaging releases for distribution.
Area: Performance improvements and optimizations.
Area: Infrastructure for running an open source project.
Area: releases and version bumps.
Area: Security vulnerabilities and unsoundness issues.
Area: Titlecase case mapping.
Area: Unicode tables and version bumps.
Area: Uppercase case mapping.
Category: Improvements or additions to documentation.
Category: New feature or request.
Category: Refactoring, cleanup, and quality improvements.
Category: Further information is requested.
Call for participation: Experience needed to fix: Easy / not much.
Call for participation: Experience needed to fix: Hard / a lot.
Call for participation: Help is requested to fix this issue.
Call for participation: Experience needed to fix: Medium / intermediate.
Call for participation: Writing correctness tests.
Target: Support for building on Linux (GNU / musl) targets.
Target: Support for building on macOS / Darwin targets.
Target: Support for building the `wasm32-unknown-emscripten` target.
Target: Support for building the `wasm32-unknown-unknown` target.
Target: Support for building on Windows targets like `x86_64-pc-windows-msvc`.
Status: This pull request exists to archive an unmerged branch.
Status: Marked as blocked ❌ on something else such as other implementation work.