changes from 1.13 to 1.14
Add modules for the following number formats:
- УНП, UNP (Учетный номер плательщика, the Belarus VAT number)
- AIC (Italian code for identification of drugs) (thanks Fabrizio Montanari)
- Company Number (מספר חברה, or short ח.פ. Israeli company number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro) - NIT (Número de Identificación Tributaria, El Salvador tax number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro) - USCC (Unified Social Credit Code, 统一社会信用代码, China tax number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro) - UEN (Singapore's Unique Entity Number) (thanks Leandro Regueiro)
- BRN (사업자 등록 번호, South Korea Business Registration Number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro) - MST (Mã số thuế, Vietnam tax number) (thanks Leandro Regueiro)
- NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak, Indonesian VAT Number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro) - UBN (Unified Business Number, 統一編號, Taiwanese tax number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro) - UTR (United Kingdom Unique Taxpayer Reference) (thanks Mohammed Salman)
- ONRC (Ordine din Registrul Comerţului, Romanian Trade Register identifier)
(thanks dotbit1) - GS1-128 (Standard to encode product information in Code 128 barcodes)
(thanks Sergi Almacellas Abellana) - VATIN (International value added tax identification number)
(thanks Leandro Regueiro)
Fix missing Dominican Republic NCF document types (thanks Gustavo Valverde)
Fix issue with extra plus or minus in Swedish Personnummer
(thanks balderman) -
Update Dominican Republic DGII endpoint (thanks Gustavo Valverde)
Support validating temporary Finnish personal identity codes
(thanks Aleksi Hoffman) -
Fix misleading docstring in se.personnummer.get_birth_date()
(thanks Leon Sandøy) -
Improve birth date validation in Danish CPR (thanks Leon Sandøy)
Add birth date validating in Norwegian Fødselsnummer (thanks Leon Sandøy)
Add missing vat aliases for a number of countries (thanks Leandro Regueiro)
Use HTTPS instead of HTTP fox VIES lookups (thanks grzekru)
Switch to HTTPS URLs where possible
Support 6 as third digit in Ecuadorian CI (thanks Christopher Ormaza)
Add an online check for South Korean BRN
Fix unescaping in Dominican Republic RNC online check (thanks evaldez89)
Support foreign residents for Romanian CNP (thanks dotbit1)