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Chameleon container that dynamically loads correct container adapter versions for your tests


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Arquillian Chameleon Container Build Status

Proxy Container for all JBoss AS / JBoss EAP / WildFly containers

Have you ever faced an issue that switching between container implementations isn’t that easy?

Testing against several containers (JBoss AS / JBoss EAP / WildFly) or even switching between different modes (Managed, Remote, Embedded) may result in bloated pom.xml.

Chameleon Containers are able to quickly adopt to your needs without too much hassle.


Chameleons are a tall, lizard-looking alien race that has (same as their earthling friends) ability to change colours when adopting to various environments. They are usually transported in spaceships called Containers.

Get Started

Do whatever you would do normally and add Chameleon JUnit or TestNG Container starters instead of any application-server specific artifact:


Add this configuration to arquillian.xml:

<container qualifier="chameleon" default="true">
        <property name="chameleonTarget">wildfly:8.0.0.Final:managed</property>
        <property name="serverConfig">standalone-full.xml</property>

Now, you can switch container implementation as simple as changing the chameleonTarget configuration option(e.g. wildfly:8.0.0.Final:remote or wildfly:9.0.0.CR1:managed).

And off course, you can still configure the underlying container by its specific configuration (e.g. change serverConfig).

Example chameleonTarget values:

  • jboss eap:6.2:remote

  • jboss as:7.1.1.Final:managed

  • wildfly:9.0.0.Alpha1:embedded

Supported Containers

  • JBoss EAP

    • 6.x

    • 7.x

  • WildFly

    • 15.x

    • 14.x

    • 13.x

    • 12.x

    • 11.x

    • 10.x

    • 9.x

    • 8.x

  • JBoss AS

    • 7.0.*

    • 7.1.0.* to 7.1.1.* (version > 7.1.1.* are not supported.)

  • GlassFish

    • 3.1.2.*

    • 4.1.* (versions prior to 4.1.x are no longer supported)

    • 5.x

  • Payara

    • 4.x

    • 5.x

  • Tomcat

    • 8.0.*

    • 7.x

    • 6.x

  • Tomee

    • 7.x (embedded mode not supported)

    • 8.x (embedded mode not supported)

Chameleon will download and extract the target container if no distribution home is configured and target type is either embedded or managed.
Glassfish versions prior to 3.1.2 are no longer supported due to issues with dependencies of the distribution

Configuration options


Define the underlying target in the format name:version[:type]. If no type is defined, the adapter type used depend on the underlying container configuration. Use no type if you just want 'something' up and running with as little extra configuration as possible.


Override the default download folder for container distributions. Could be defined as TMP to create a custom folder under, else it will be read as a directory. Defaults to detect current build system, either target/ for Maven or build/ for Gradle.


Define the container configuration file to use. Defaults to the containers.yaml file provided by Chameleon.


Define where Chameleon should store the resolver cache files. By default it will use 'chameleonDistributionDownloadFolder'/cache.


If you want to add your own container configurations or contribute to the ones shipped as default with Chameleon you can use the following format to describe them:

- name: WildFly (1)
  versionExpression: 10.*  (2)
  adapters: (3)
    - type: remote (4)
      coordinates: org.wildfly.arquillian:wildfly-arquillian-container-remote:1.0.0.Final (5)
      adapterClass: (6)
    - type: managed
      coordinates: org.wildfly.arquillian:wildfly-arquillian-container-managed:1.0.0.Final
      configuration: (8)
        jbossHome: ${dist} (9)
    - type: embedded (10)
      coordinates: org.wildfly.arquillian:wildfly-arquillian-container-embedded:${version} (11)
      requireDist: false (12)
      dependencies: (13)
        - org.glassfish.extras:glassfish-embedded-all:${version} (14)
  defaultType: managed (15)
  dist: (16)
    coordinates: org.wildfly:wildfly-dist:zip:${version} (17)
  defaultProtocol: Servlet 3.0 (18)
  exclude: (19)
    - org.jboss.arquillian.test:* (20)
    - org.jboss.arquillian.testenricher:*
    - "*:wildfly-arquillian-testenricher-msc"
  1. required The name section of the chameleonTarget.

  2. required A Regular Expression to match against the version section of the chamleonTarget to activate this configuration.

  3. required A list of Adapters supported by this name and version combination.

  4. required The Adapter that match the type section of the chameleonTarget.

  5. required The Adapter artifacts GAV so it can be downloaded from a repository.

  6. required The Adapter DeployableContainer implementation class to invoke.

  7. The Adapter that match the type section of the chameleonTarget.

  8. optional List of Adapter configuration option that will be automatically activated if not present from user.

  9. ${dist} special variable that is replaced with the location of the downloaded/extracted distribution if applicable.

  10. The Adapter that match the type section of the chameleonTarget.

  11. ${version} special variable that is replaced with the version section of the chameleonTarget as provided by the user.

  12. optional Flag to turn off default automatic download of distribution if not required by the Adapter. e.g. GlassFish Embedded requires no extracted distribution to run.

  13. optional List of additional dependencies required by the Adapter.

  14. The dependency GAV.

  15. optional Describes which adapter to select if no type section is defined in the chameleonTarget.

  16. optional Section to describe how to download the distribution.

  17. The distribution artifact GAV so it can be downloaded from a repository.

  18. optional Override the Adapters defaultProtocol as described by the DeployableContainer implementation.

  19. optional List of dependencies to exclude when resolving the adapter GAV.

  20. The dependency GAV expression to exclude.

If you want to help improve the configurations, you can find issues related to this configuration labeled as container in the issue tracker.

WildFly Embedded

If you want to run any of the versions of WildFly embedded, you need to add an additional dependency to your pom.xml file:


and set java.util.logging.manager variable to org.jboss.logmanager.LogManager using maven-surefire-plugin:


Custom Maven setting

In case you need to specify your custom settings.xml file and you cannot put it at the default location ($HOME/.m2/settings.xml) then use the property org.apache.maven.user-settings to specify a user settings.xml file or to specify a global settings.xml file.

The standard Maven property -s doesn’t work as Chameleon internally uses Shrinkwrap Resolver and the property is not supported there. But you can use any of the properties described here:

Arquillian Chameleon Runner

Arquillian Chameleon Container is a special container that allows you to define which container and mode without having to remember any concrete dependency of the desired container. You’ve seen this at Get Started.

This approach is the most versatile one and has been here for a long time and offers a generic and global solution, but with Chameleon, you can use another approach where instead of configuring container using arquillian.xml, you can use an annotation to set up the test container.

The first thing to do is add next dependency:


Then instead of using Arquillian runner, you need to use a new one provided by Chameleon called ArquillianChameleon.

Then you need to annotate your test with @ChameleonTarget("wildfly:9.0.0.Final:managed") where you set the container, version, and mode as you usually do with `chameleonTarget in arquillian.xml.

But this annotation also allows you to set each of the property (even custom properties) one by one, for example:

@ChameleonTarget(container = "tomcat", version = "7.0.0", customProperties = {
    @Property(name="a", value="b")

Last important thing to take into consideration is that @ChameleonTarget can be used in meta-annotations and inherit properties form meta-annotations. For example, you can use next form to define Tomcat container:
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE})
@ChameleonTarget("tomcat:7.0.0:managed") // (1)
public @interface Tomcat {
  1. Defines container, version and mode

And then to define that the test needs to be run in Tomcat, you can simply do:
public class TomcatTest {

But you can even redefine meta-annotations, for example, to specify Tomcat 8 you only need to do:
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE})
@Tomcat // (1)
@ChameleonTarget(version = "8.0.0") // (2)
public @interface Tomcat8 {
  1. Inherit properties from Tomcat meta-annotation

  2. Override version number

All fields accept expressions like `${property:defaultValue} where property is first resolved as environment variable, if not set as the system property and if not the default value is used.


There are some limitations when using this approach.

  • The first one is that test execution that occurs in the same JVM must use the same container, you cannot run in the same JVM a set of tests that require different containers (i.e some with Wildfly and others with Payara). If you want to do this you need to isolate each of the tests in different JVMs.

  • The second one is that if you are configuring extensions with AND arquillian.xml files at the same time and you run tests in parallel within the same JVM, then you might find some unexpected results. Of course, this is a corner case, but a solution to this is just moving configuration of one of the files to either ` or arquillian.xml file or run parallel tests in different JVMs.


To run the whole test suite with the correct configuration use profile all:

mvn clean verify -Pall

To run Arquillian Container TCK test suite use profile tck:

mvn clean verify -Ptck



Chameleon container that dynamically loads correct container adapter versions for your tests







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