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Amuse is a soundcloud clone where users can share their original music and other users can comment on their posts.

Link to live site

Technologies used

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  • The home page shows the most recent songs posted to the site
  • Users can post songs and edit their titles as well as delete the song entirely
  • Users can post edit and delete comments on songs
  • Logged out users can see the main feed and comments but can not make or edit comments

Getting Started

  • Clone this repository:

    git clone

  • Install dependencies from the root directory.

    npm install

  • Create a user on PostgreSQL (psql) with a PASSWORD and CREATEDB privileges. Remember to include the semicolon ; at the end of the line.

    CREATE USER [username] WITH PASSWORD [password] CREATEDB;

  • In the backend directory, create a .env file based on the .env.example file also found in the backend directory.

  • Enter your chosen username and password into the respective fields in the .env file you just created. Enter your chosen database name and PORT. You may enter a secure combination of characters into JWT_SECRET or use the following in node in your terminal to generate a secure string.


  • Add a numeric value to JWT_EXPIRES_IN. By default, you may use 604800 which is the number of seconds in a week.

  • Add the following proxy code to your package.json file in the frontend directory. If you chose any port other than 5000, replace the port number there now.

"proxy": "http://localhost:5000"

  • Run the following code in your backend directory to run the creation of the database and migrations as well as to seed the database.

npx dotenv sequelize db:create npx dotenv sequelize db:migrate npx dotenv sequelize db:seed:all

  • Start the backend and frontend servers in the backend and frontend directories, respectively. After starting the frontend server, your browser should open the application automatically. If not, navigate to http://localhost:3000

npm start

You can choose to login as a demo user to try out the sites functionality.