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Armno's dotfiles

setting up

Clone this repo

cd ~/code
git clone [email protected]:armno/dotfiles.git


Install Homebrew, then install all packages needed for the set up mentioned in this readme.

brew install eza zoxide coreutils editorconfig git-delta bat fzf starship fnm


  1. Download iTerm3
  2. Symlink .zshrc config
ln -s ~/code/dotfiles/.zshrc ~/.zshrc

zsh plugins

brew install zsh-autosuggestion zsh-syntax-highlighting

check brew info zsh-autosuggestions and brew info zsh-autosuggestions and update paths in .zshrc if needed.

Aliases and Functions

ln -s ~/code/dotfiles/.aliases ~/.aliases
ln -s ~/code/dotfiles/.functions ~/.functions


  1. Install Nerd Fonts from
  2. symlink the config file
ln -s ~/code/dotfiles/.config/starship.toml ~/.config/starship.toml


Install it here and activate the theme



My Vim setup requires ag and editorconfig, which are already installed by the brew command above.

Install Plug from, then install plugins with

vim +PlugInstall +qall

and symlink Vim's config file

ln -s ~/code/dotfiles/.vimrc ~/.vimrc

Keyboard Tweaks

TODO: macOS 13.x doesn't need these settings anymore i think

Enable key repeats

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

Make keyboard key repeats faster

defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10 # normal minimum is 15 (225 ms)
defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1 # normal minimum is 2 (30 ms)

Go to System Preferences > Keyboard. Set Key Repeat to be fastest and Delay Until Report to be shortest.


Enable key-repeat for VScode when using it with Vim extenstion. To be honest, I don't know which one works.

defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
defaults delete -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled

Don't forget to add 'markdown' in the config after installed Prettier:

"prettier.disabledLanguages": [


Create a local .gitconfig file that extends the one in this repo

touch ~/.gitconfig

And put custom Git config there. For example:

  path = ~/code/dotfiles/.gitconfig

  name = Another Armno
  email = anotheremail


TODO: This doesn't do anything i think. it just creates a symlink without actually run the commands inside.

ln -s ~/code/dotfiles/.osx ~/.osx
killall SystemUIServer

Remove 'Last Login' message

touch ~/.hushlogin


bat another kind of cat.

mkdir -p ~/.config/bat
ln -s .config/bat/config ~/.config/bat/config