Create or re-initialize the database
Run the project locally
- % cd web
- % pip install -r requirements.txt
- % cd project/frontend/static
- % bower install
- % cd ../../..
- % python run-dev.py
Go to your favorite web browser and open:
- Build and run the Docker containers (Not yet implemented)
- % docker-compose build
- % docker-compose up -d
- Run the production build (make sure you have polymer-cli installed)
- % cd project/frontend/static
- % polymer build
- % cd ../..
- % vim settings.py // change STATIC_FOLDER
- % cd ..
- % python run-dev.py
- Flask - web framework
- Jinga2 - templating engine
- Flask-Bcrypt - password hashing
- Flask-Login - support for user management
- Flask-Security
- Flask-WTF - simplifies forms
- Flask-MongoEngine
This application is written using Python 2.7. The database used is MongoDB.
Docker is the recommended tool for running in development and production but not yet available.