AoC (or Advent of Code) is a yearly event of daily programming challenges starting on Dec 1 and leading up to Christmas. Right now (2023) I am using it to try out Rust for my first time, as I have never touched it before. Should you have any suggestions, please PR or send me a message. I'm as of now unsure how much time I can contribute to the language and challenges right now, so I might skip intervals of days. But even current year's Rust code is better than my last year's Python rendition I fear, so that's that.
- First time I tried Advent of Code in order to play some more with Python. Had to unfortunately stop midway
☹️ - surely not optimal
- code might smell more like C than Python - I'm thankful for feedback!
- if you dont like the formating (not a fan as well tbh) it's the black formater I started to use. surely it's not my fault 😋