uncompleted list (updated 05/31/22 - will add more later)
Domain | Description |
api.polytoria.com | Misc Endpoints |
- Chat APIs
- User APIs
- Item APIs
- Friendship APIs
- Avatar APIs
- Asset APIs
- Library APIs
- Game APIs
- Forum APIs
- Guild APIs
- Ad APIs
- Other APIs
chatID: localStorage.getItem("chatID");
id: chatID
msg: message 2 send
id: target user id
csrf: your csrf
chatID: localStorage.getItem("chatID");
username: ya lol
userID: target user id
type: hat, face, tool, shirt, pants
limit: any number (default 6)
p: page
userID: target user id
type: hat, face, tool, shirt, pants
limit: any number (default 6)
p: page
id: user id
p: page id
csrf: your csrf token
id: user id
id: trade id
action: accept, reject, cancel
csrf: your csrf token
csrf: your csrf token
brick-input or stud-input: number of bricks or studs (stud-output,brick-output)
type: bricks, studs
amount: an amount of bricks OR studs, lol?
amount-give: how much u will give
amount-ask: how much u asked
currency: bricks or studs
split (optional): 1 = true, 0 = false
csrf: your csrf token
amount: how much bricks or studs
currency: bricks or studs
csrf: your csrf token
id: order id
csrf: your csrf token
csrf: your csrf token
page: page (optional)
type: hat, face, shirt, pants, tool
sortType: 0 (featured), 1 (best selling), 2 (recently updated), 3 (least expensive), 4 (most expensive)
searchQuery: search query (optional)
csrf: your csrf token
id: item id
csrf: your csrf token
id: item id
id: item id
limit: any number (default 4)
offset (optional): + 4 * commpage (commpage AKA COMMENT PAGE)
id: item id
content: message
g-recaptcha-response: captcha response key
csrf: your csrf
id: item id
limit: any number (default 4)
offset (optional): + 4 * respage
id: item id
limit: any number (default 4)
page: page
id: limited item id
csrf: yo csrf token lol
id: item id
csrf: your csrf tokenn thingy
itemserialid: your item's serial id
price: chosen price
itemid: item id
csrf: your csrf tokenn thingy
id: pack item id
csrf: your csrf token
id: pack item id
id: pack id
csrf: csrf token
id: item id
csrf: your csrf token
id: item id
id: limited item id - needs to be an limited item
id: item id
csrf: your csrf token
offer: bricks offer
id: item id
csrf: your csrf token
id: user id
csrf: your csrf token
id: user id
csrf: your csrf token
id: user id
type: face, pants, hat, shirt, tool
limit: default is 8
page: page
part: body part (Torso, LeftLeg, LeftArm, RightLeg, RightArm, Head)
color: chosen color
csrf: your csrf token
id: item id
csrf: your csrf token
id: item id
csrf: your csrf token
csrf: your csrf token
if you want to force redraw use this => forceRedraw: 1
limit: default is 8
page: page
csrf: your csrf token
id: outfit id
csrf: your csrf token
name: outfit name
csrf: your csrf token
id: outfit id
types: model, image, audio
Use formdata objects!!! csrf and file
Use formdata objects!!! csrf and file
Use formdata objects!!! csrf and file
page: a PAGE number bro (default is 0 on every &page= ig)
type: popular, updated
csrf: your token
id: game id
h: hash
OLD CLIENTS: go to polytoria://launch_[GAME LAUNCH TOKEN]
NEW CLIENTS: polytoria://client/game_token_hash_idk
id: game id
csrf: yes u know what is this already
csrf: ur token
beta: false,true (beta testers)
limit: 10
offset: page * limit
csrf: your csrf
content: message
reply_to: post id
captcha: captcha response
id: post id
csrf: your csrf
neg: (default: 0) (not tested yet, possibly uses negative numbers and normal numbers e.g. -29 or 29 mixed with userid???)
id: guild id
id: guild id
gid: group id
g-recaptcha-response: captcha response key
message: message 2 post
csrf: your csrf
id: guild id
p: page
id: guild id
p: page
gid: id
role: chosen role id
page: page
page: page number
limit: add &limit=limitnumber at the end of the url
page: page number
query: search query, (optional -> can be blank)
adId: advertisement id
Category: networth, posts, comments, views, sales
Page: page number