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GIS data ingestion pipeline


We use osm2pgsql to import OpenStreetMaps regions into PostGIS. Installation instructions for Linux/macOS/Windows are available at
Note: Data imported with osm2pgsql is not routable out of the box.

We use osm2pgrouting to import OpenStreetMaps in a manner that is routable by pgRouting. Build and installation instructions are available at it's GitHub repo linked above.

Importing OSM feature data only

osm/example.osm contains an example OSM file of a tiny region of Caltech and it's neighborhood.

Here's an example command to import osm/example.osm into a remote DB.

osm2pgsql osm/example.osm -H <DB Host> -U <DB User> -W -d <DB name> -S --hstore
  • -a|-c: Append (-a) to existing data or remove all (-c) existing data. -c is default.
  • -H: Database server host name or socket location.
  • -U: PostgreSQL user name.
  • -W: Force PostgreSQL password (for CD / automated tools, set the PGPASS env variable instead).
  • -d: The name of the PostgreSQL database to connect to.
  • -S: Location of the style file. The style file determines what to import and where to import them to. See Wiki
  • --hstore: Stores extra/uncommon tags as hstore key-value pair format.

Indices should then be built on hstore columns.

CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_point_tags ON planet_osm_point USING gist(tags);
CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_polygon_tags ON planet_osm_polygon USING gist(tags);
CREATE INDEX idx_planet_osm_line_tags ON planet_osm_line USING gist(tags);

The following tables should have been created in the database:

  • planet_osm_line: contains all imported ways. These are usually roads and pathways (warning: might contain invalid area objects, i.e. unclosed polygons).
  • planet_osm_point: contains all imported nodes with tags. This seems to contain mix of all points, including speed limit signs, speed bumps, bus stops, tolls, etc.
  • planet_osm_polygon: contains all imported polygons. These are usually buildings and structures.
  • planet_osm_roads: contains subset of features intended for low zoom (overview) level map rendering. DOES NOT CONTAIN JUST ROADS LIKE THE NAME SUGGESTS

Importing OSM data suitable for pgRouting

Here's an example command to import osm/example.osm into a remote DB using osm2pgrouting.

./osm2pgrouting --clean --addnodes --attributes --tags -h <DB host> -d <DB name> -U <DB User> -W <DB password> -f osm/example.osm -c /usr/share/osm2pgrouting/mapconfig.xml

Refer to this pgRouting wiki page for command line options.

After importing data, use this pgsql function to process pointsOfInterest table:

osm2pgr_pois_update(radius default 200, within default 50)

  - Using areas of (radius)mts on POIS
  - Using edges that are at least (within) mts of each POI
POIS that do not have a closest edge is considered as too far


GIS data ingestion pipeline






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