This is a set of python scripts that may be used to generate an HTML like the one provided in this repo.
Link to the generated HTML:
import media
import fresh_tomatoes
# Movie's Class Constructor takes 5 required arguments and 1 sixth optional argument
# 1st: The Movie Title
# 2nd: The release Year
# 3rd: The Storyline
# 4th: The Poster Image URL
# 5th: The Trailer Youtube URL
# 6th: The Number of Oscar awards won (optional default = 0)
# Instantiating all the movies
movie1 = media.Movie(
"The first Movie Title",
"The Storyline",
# sixth argument is optional
# it specifies the number of oscar awards won
movie2 = media.Movie(
"The second Movie Title",
"The Storyline",
# The list with all the movies to display
movies = [ movie1, movie2 ]
# Generate the HTML file that displays all the movies info
# and open it in a new browser tab
$ python