Keybind | Mode | Action | Description |
<leader>pv |
Normal | vim.cmd.Ex |
Open file explorer |
H |
Visual | :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv |
Move selected line/block up |
J |
Visual | :m '<-2<CR>gv=gv |
Move selected line/block down |
J |
Normal | mzJ |
Join line below to the current one without losing cursor |
<C-d> |
Normal | <C-d>zz |
Scroll down and center cursor |
<C-u> |
Normal | <C-u>zz |
Scroll up and center cursor |
n |
Normal | nzzzv |
Next search result and center cursor |
N |
Normal | Nzzzv |
Previous search result and center cursor |
<leader>p |
Visual | "_dP |
Paste without overwriting register |
<leader>y |
Normal | "+y |
Yank to system clipboard |
<leader>y |
Visual | "+y |
Yank to system clipboard |
<leader>Y |
Normal | "+Y |
Yank line to system clipboard |
<C-s> |
Normal | :w<CR> |
Save file |
<C-s> |
Insert | <C-o>:w<CR> |
Save file |
<C-s> |
Visual | <C-c>:w<CR> |
Save file |
<leader>gs |
Normal | vim.cmd.Git |
Open Git status |
<leader>a |
Normal | mark.add_file |
Add file to harpoon |
<C-e> |
Normal | ui.toggle_quick_menu |
Toggle harpoon quick menu |
<C-h> |
Normal | function() ui.nav_file(1) end |
Navigate to harpoon file 1 |
<C-t> |
Normal | function() ui.nav_file(2) end |
Navigate to harpoon file 2 |
<C-n> |
Normal | function() ui.nav_file(3) end |
Navigate to harpoon file 3 |
<C-s> |
Normal | function() ui.nav_file(4) end |
Navigate to harpoon file 4 |
<leader>pf |
Normal | builtin.find_files |
Find files using Telescope |
<C-p> |
Normal | builtin.git_files |
Find Git files using Telescope |
<leader>ps |
Normal | function() builtin.grep_string({ search = vim.fn.input('Grep for > ') }) end |
Grep for a string using Telescope |
<leader>u |
Normal | vim.cmd.UndotreeToggle |
Toggle Undotree |
<C-L> |
Insert | copilot#Accept("<CR>") |
Accept GitHub Copilot suggestion |
<C-K> |
Insert | copilot#Next() |
Next GitHub Copilot suggestion |
<C-J> |
Insert | copilot#Previous() |
Previous GitHub Copilot suggestion |
Keybind | Mode | Action | Description |
<leader>a |
Normal | mark.add_file |
Add file to harpoon |
<C-e> |
Normal | ui.toggle_quick_menu |
Toggle harpoon quick menu |
<C-h> |
Normal | ui.nav_file(1) |
Navigate to harpoon file 1 |
<C-t> |
Normal | ui.nav_file(2) |
Navigate to harpoon file 2 |
<C-n> |
Normal | ui.nav_file(3) |
Navigate to harpoon file 3 |
<C-s> |
Normal | ui.nav_file(4) |
Navigate to harpoon file 4 |
Keybind | Mode | Action | Description |
<leader>pf |
Normal | builtin.find_files |
Find files using Telescope |
<C-p> |
Normal | builtin.git_files |
Find Git files using Telescope |
<leader>ps |
Normal | builtin.grep_string |
Grep for a string using Telescope |
Keybind | Mode | Action | Description |
<leader>gs |
Normal | vim.cmd.Git |
Open Git status |
Keybind | Mode | Action | Description |
<leader>u |
Normal | vim.cmd.UndotreeToggle |
Toggle Undotree |
Keybind | Mode | Action | Description |
i |
Normal | Enter Insert Mode | Start inserting text |
v |
Normal | Enter Visual Mode | Start visual selection |
y |
Normal | Yank (copy) | Copy the selected text |
p |
Normal | Paste | Paste text |
d |
Normal | Delete | Delete text |
u |
Normal | Undo | Undo last action |
Ctrl-r |
Normal | Redo | Redo undone action |
/ |
Normal | Search | Start searching |
n |
Normal | Next Search Result | Go to next search result |
N |
Normal | Previous Search Result | Go to previous search result |
: |
Normal | Command Prompt | Open command line |
q |
Normal | Quit | Quit Neovim |
w |
Normal | Write | Save file |
e |
Normal | Edit | Open file |
Esc |
Insert | Normal Mode | Switch back to Normal mode |