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Create LaTeX labels in Mathematica.

See the blog post for a detailed introduction to MaTeX.


  • Download the latest release and place the MaTeX directory inside the directory opened by SystemOpen@FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}].

  • Make sure that a TeX system and Ghostscript 9.15 or later are installed.

    For Windows and Linux, the latest Ghostscript is available from its official download page.

    On OS X, MacTeX 2015 and later already include a compatible version of Ghostscript. If you use an older TeX distribution that doesn't, please obtain a recent Ghostscript from Richard Koch's page.

  • Evaluate Needs["MaTeX`"]. MaTeX will attempt to auto-configure itself when it is loaded for the first time. If auto-configuration fails, it will display instructions on how to configure the path to the pdflatex and Ghostscript executables manually. Note: On Windows systems use the command line Ghostscript executable, i.e. the one with the name ending in c: gswin32c.exe or gswin64c.exe.

  • Test MaTeX using MaTeX["x^2"].


Use MaTeX[texcode] or MaTeX[expression] to typeset using LaTeX. The latter will automatically apply TeXForm to expression.

The LaTeX code is interpreted in math mode. Remember to escape backlashes (i.e. type two \ characters when you mean one) when writing LaTeX code in Mathematica strings, e.g.

MaTeX["\\sum_{k=1}^{\\infty} \\frac{1}{k}"]

Notes on performance

The limiting factor in the speed of MaTeX calls is running the pdflatex process, which might take as long as a second and cannot be sped up further. However, MaTeX caches results, making subsequent calls with the same TeX code near-instantaneous.

Revision history

Version 1.5.0

  • Much improved LaTeX error reporting. Please report any problems you notice with the new error reporting.
  • MaTeX now checks for common user errors and issues warnings. Turn them off using Off[MaTeX::warn].

Version 1.4.0

  • Separated "Preamble" and "BasePreamble" options. The default preamble is now in "BasePreamble". The "Preamble" option can be set without needing to worry about the default.
  • Package symbols are protected
  • MaTeX now follows the standard Mathematica package structure. This means that it now consists of multiple files. Move the entire MaTeX directory (and not just MaTeX.m) into $UserBaseDirectory/Applications to install.

Version 1.3.0

  • Added the "TeXFileFunction" and "LogFileFunction" options for easier debugging. Set them to Print to see the generated LaTeX code or the LaTeX log file.

Version 1.2.0

  • Added ContentPadding option: ContentPadding -> True ensures that the the output height is at least one line height
  • Added LineSpacing option
  • The size of vertical borders is slightly different now: use LineSpacing -> {0, 14.4} to reproduce the older behaviour
  • Bug fixes

Version 1.1.1

  • Reliability fixes for Windows
  • Windows: Work around Mathematica bug causing MaTeX to fail when the current directory has special characters in its name
  • Windows: Ensure that autodetected paths do not use / as path separator

Version 1.1.0

  • MaTeX now attempts to automatically detect the location of Ghostscript and pdflatex on first run
  • Syntax highlighting for MaTeX functions (added SyntaxInformation)
  • Minor bug fixes and reliability fixes

Version 1.0.0

  • Minor bug fixes and compatibility fixes

Version 0.3

  • Bug fixes and other compatibility fixes: works with XeTeX and behaves better on Windows.

Version 0.2

  • Automatic baseline alignment. MaTeX output is now perfectly aligned with Mathematica text.
  • Improved positioning accuracy
  • Added FontSize option (now requires the lmodern package)
  • Support for some accented characters
  • More robust Magnification handling

Version 0.1

  • Initial release


MaTeX was primarily created for my own needs. However, if you find it useful, feel free to drop me an email.

Send feedback or bug reports to szhorvat at or open an issue in the tracker.


No packages published


  • Mathematica 97.9%
  • TeX 2.1%