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Repository of PIXAR, a Pixel-based Auto-Regressive Language Model

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1. Environment Setup

1. Create the environment

Text images are rendered differently under different versions of cairo and fonttools. I higly recommand to create the environment step by step using the following commands.

conda create -n {name} python=3.10
conda activate {name}
conda install -c conda-forge pycairo=1.24.0 cairo=1.16.0 fonttools=4.25.0 pygobject=3.42.1 manimpango=0.4.1 # make sure the version matches, othewise the rendered text may different
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install transformers==4.34.1 datasets==2.14.6 tokenizers==0.14.1 diffusers["torch"]==0.17.1
pip install opencv-python== opencv-contrib-python==
pip install ipywidgets wandb==0.15.12 pytesseract==0.3.10 editdistance==0.6.2 adamr scikit-image==0.22.0 scikit-learn==1.3.0
pip install nltk==3.8.1 apache-beam==2.51.0
pip install paddlepaddle==2.5.2 paddleocr==
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation # install FlashAttention
sudo apt install tesseract-ocr # if you cannot use sudo, please refer to
  1. Setup the project directory

Here are commands to setup the project folder.

cd {where you want to put the project folder}
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:april-tools/pixar.git
pip install -e pixel
cd distro
source ~/.bashrc
cd ../bAbI-tasks
luarocks make babitasks-scm-1.rockspec
cd ..
mkdir storage

2. Prepare the pretraining dataset

  1. Clone the PIXEL weights, fonts
git clone {where you want to put the model}
  1. Run the data preparation scripts

The scripts only collate text files, does not render them into image. By default, we render images during the training.


2. Pretraining

When you run the scripts, remember to modify hyperparameters to suit your environment or change the model settings. A detailed hyperparameter instruction is coming soon.

  1. Initialize the backbone model
python scripts/
  1. Stage one pretraining
bash scripts/1M_pretrain/
  1. Stage two pretraining
bash scripts/gan_pretrain/

3. Download the pretrained checkpoint

Here is the model checkpoint used to test the Lambda and bAbI performance in the paper. It was trained with 1M stage 1 and 200 stage 2 steps.

Here are some samples generated from it:

4. Run the downstream tasks

  1. GLUE
bash scripts/llama_glue/
  1. bAbI

You can use babi.ipynb to evalueate the performance on the bAbI benchmark.


You can use lambada.ipynb to evalueate the performance on the bAbI benchmark.


Repository of PIXAR, a Pixel-based Auto-Regressive Language Model






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