PHP framework for fast developing mobile apps using IgniteMarkup.
Before we start we must set up the bare minimum for it to work with composer:
$ composer init
Minimum stability must be 'dev'.
Edit the resulting composer.json file and add the following lines (replacing the "require" field, obviously):
"repositories": [ { "type": "git", "url": "", "vendor-alias": "appscend" }, { "type": "git", "url": "", "vendor-alias": "appscend" } ], "require": { "appscend/ignite-php": "dev-develop", "appscend/ignite_sdk": "dev-master" }
Then finally update the package:
$ composer update
Copy the script file 'ignite-build.php' to your project root directory, then run it:
$ cp vendor/appscend/ignite-php/ignite-build.php .
$ php ignite-build.php