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This repository was archived by the owner on Apr 29, 2023. It is now read-only.


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  • node >= 8.1.4
  • npm = 5.0.4

How to run the project:

  • npm install -g [email protected]

  • npm install

  • npm login

  • Ensure that npm login generated the file: ~/.npmrc

  • export NPM_TOKEN={value from npmrc}

  • react-native start

You should now see the packager running on port 8081 and open your corresponding iOS/Android app.

This document describes how to start test env for pre hook example. This document expects that you have basic knowledge of Zapp. Zapp Documentation

How to start test env

  1. In Zapp select your application.
  2. Go to section App Builder
  3. Select your Layout configuration
  4. Push button Add Screen and select RN Hooks Test App in pop-up window, change name on your wish.
  5. Select a screen where do you want to add prehook (in future Host screen).
  6. In the right side of screen settings, click on Before load section
  7. In the list select name of the RN Hooks Test App or your name if you changed it. Documentation.
  8. Make sure that your host screen was added as part of root navigation.
  9. Push Save button in top left corner.
  10. Push on your app name that will transfer you to application versions screen

iOS Environment

Internal developers
  1. Push on version button of the app that you want to use in iOS tab and copy application ID with copy button
  2. Clone Zapp-iOS project
  3. Use Explanation how to prepare working env.
External developers
  1. Push on External developer button of the app that you want to use in iOS tab that will download prepared Zapp-iOS project for selected app and version.
Final Steps for All developes, if prehook plugin needed locally for debug
  1. Clone PreHookExample-RN project to your path
  2. Start react native VM on PreHookExample-RN project
  3. Build your app.
  4. Go to setting of the app in iOS device or Simulator in general setting of you device. Under REACT NATIVE BUNDLE section set: Server Type to Local, and disable Allow caching.

After application will be presenting, select Host screen, before this screen will be open you must see Prehook screen. ScreenPluginsGeneral.png


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