- node >= 8.1.4
- npm = 5.0.4
npm install -g [email protected]
npm install
npm login
Ensure that npm login generated the file:
export NPM_TOKEN={value from npmrc}
react-native start
You should now see the packager running on port 8081 and open your corresponding iOS/Android app.
This document describes how to start test env for pre hook example. This document expects that you have basic knowledge of Zapp. Zapp Documentation
- In Zapp select your application.
- Go to section
App Builder
- Select your
configuration - Push button
Add Screen
and selectRN Hooks Test App
in pop-up window, change name on your wish. - Select a screen where do you want to add prehook (in future
screen). - In the right side of screen settings, click on
Before load
section - In the list select name of the
RN Hooks Test App
or your name if you changed it. Documentation. - Make sure that your
screen was added as part of root navigation. - Push
button in top left corner. - Push on your app name that will transfer you to
application versions screen
- Push on
button of the app that you want to use iniOS
tab and copy applicationID
with copy button - Clone Zapp-iOS project
- Use Explanation how to prepare working env.
- Push on
External developer
button of the app that you want to use iniOS
tab that will download preparedZapp-iOS
project for selected app and version.
- Clone PreHookExample-RN project to your path
- Start react native VM on
project - Build your app.
- Go to
of the app iniOS device
in general setting of you device. UnderREACT NATIVE BUNDLE
section set:Server Type
, and disableAllow caching
After application will be presenting, select Host
screen, before this screen will be open you must see Prehook screen