A command line tool to filter, read, and modify CSV files
$ go get github.com/appins/csvcmd
$ # Make sure your $PATH contains $GOPATH/bin, you can
$ # do that with PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
csvcmd [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Print all lines that meet the paramters specified by OPTIONs
in each FILE (Or stdin, if no files specified).
Example: csvcmd --end=20 --filter="First Name=Alex" people.csv
--start=int Specify the first line (inclusive) that should be read
--end=int Specify the last line (inclusive) that should be read
Note: To control how many lines are read pipe command
output to head or tail. try `| head -nXX` where XX=#lines
--filter="..." Specify a set of filters that a row needs to meet to
be printed. See the filters section at
--or Set filters to be OR'd rather than AND'd together.
Requires only 1 filter to be met to print a line.
--shown="... Specify columns which should be shown, seperated with a
semicolon. Either use the header row's text or specify
the number of the column with `_#`, like `_3`
-h Human readable output (default: regular CSV)
Example Usage:
$ csvcmd -h --end=5 somecsv.csv
> Sex Weight ... Weight ... BMI (Sep) BMI (Apr)
> M 159 130 22.02 18.14
> M 214 190 19.7 17.44
> M 163 152 24.09 22.43
> M 205 194 26.97 25.57
> F 150 141 21.51 20.1
$ csvcmd -h --end=5 --filter "Sex=F" somecsv.csv
> Sex Weight ... Weight ... BMI (Sep) BMI (Apr)
> F 150 141 21.51 20.1
Filters follow the following format: filter1;filter2;filter3
As of right now, there is only 1 kind of filter (TODO: Add more).
Also, for a line to print, every filter must return true.
Note that for all filters, you can specify a column number rather
than exact name. To do this, just set the column name to be _#
Ex: the third column can be refered to at _3
. Counting starts at 1.
Filter types:
- Equality:
: Passes when the cell undercolumn_name
is equal to value