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An opinioneted wrapper around react-query to implement fully typed api requests


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React Query Typed Api

An opinioneted wrapper around react-query to allow strong typing for your api requests


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About The Project

This library was built while I was searching an elegant way to interact with web endpoints in my typescript based apps in such a way that I don't need to remember all endpoints, their return types, payload types ecc.. For sure you can create constants for your endpoints and add tricky typescript types to map request and responses, but I was looking for a standard way to easily use in all my apps.

I was using the awesome library React Query for my networking operations, and I was (and still) really love it, but it is lacking a way to map query keys with their underling types.

After some struggling I found a pattern which is working for me, so I built a library on top of this idea.

This library is built on top of React Query's api (so if you know how to use it, you don't need to learn anything new), and uses Axios for the networking.

By strongly relying on typescript's type augmentation, this library will allow you to define the endpoints your app is using and strongly link types to them.

By using typescript's augmentation feature, you will define your routes along with response and payload types and then you will be able to have strong typing for your endpoints

A companion web application to define the routes and generate the full api configuration is under development, please start this repository if you are interested in it

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you need to have the following libraries already installed:

Getting Started

Install the library from npm registry


This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.

  • npm
npm i apperside/react-query-typed-api
  • yarn
yarn add apperside/react-query-typed-api

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This library is a wrapper around react-query, so before you begin using this library, you need to install and configure react-query as explained in their docs.

react-query-typed-api is also heavily based on the concept of augmentation, you can find more about typescript augmentation in the dedicated documentation.

The first interface to know about is AppRoutes, which is declared as follows

    export interface AppRoutes {
      main: MainApi
    export interface MainApi {

The statement main: MainApi means that the app has one default api, whose scope is main. You can create as many scopes you want, we will speak about api scopes later on .

In order to agument the main scope and add your routes, you have to augment MainApi interface

     * You have to add this declaration wherever you want to augment librariy's types
    declare module "react-query-typed-api" {
       * Augment this interface to add al custom endpoints
      export interface MainApi {
        // MyApiResponseType and MyApiPayloadType are whatever type you want depending on your endpoint response and payload
        "my-route": { responseType: MyApiResponseType, payloadType: MyApiPayloadType }
        // if the payload is the same as the response, you can omit the payloadType 
        "another-custom-route": { responseType: MyApiResponseType2 }

let say we augment our main api like this

    type MyApiResponseType = { responseField1: string }
    type MyApiPayloadType = { payloadField1: string }
    type MyApiResponseType2 = { responseField2: string }
    declare module "react-query-typed-api" {
      export interface MainApi {
        "my-route": { responseType: MyApiResponseType, payloadType: MyApiPayloadType }
        "another-custom-route": { responseType: MyApiResponseType2 }

We are defining 2 routes: my-route: it will return data of type MyApiResponseType, and it will accept data of type MyApiPayloadType when using mutation. another-custom-route: it will return data of type MyApiResponseType, and it will accept data of type MyApiPayloadType when using mutation.

With such configuration you will have the following typescript behavior


IMPORTANT: every entry under MainApi must have these fields:

responseType mandatory, it represents the type of the response and the type of the payload if payloadType is not defined

payloadType optional, it represents the type of the payload for mutations, responseType will be used if not provided

mutationResponseType optional, it represents the response type for mutations, responseType will be used if not provided

useAppQuery is nothing else that a wrapper around react-query's useQuery, it just wraps it with strong typing thanks to typescript augmentation. Together with useAppQuery there is also useAppMutation

As your can see, types are automatically inferred based on the types declared through augmentation


You can also use routes with variable parameters. Given we augment the api like this

      type MyApiResponseType = { field1: string }
      type MyApiPayloadType = { field2: string }
      export interface MainApi {
            "my-route/:id": { responseType: MyApiResponseType, payloadType: MyApiPayloadType },

we can use this endpoint like this:


    const query = useAppQuery("my-route/:id", { pathParams: { id: "123" } });


    const mutation = useAppMutation("my-route/:id")
    // the _ before pathParams is not a typo, read below for more info
    mutation.mutate({ field2: "value", _pathParams: { id: "123" } })
⚠️ Type inferring does not work for path params, and probably it never will πŸ˜ƒ

A note about mutate and mutateAsync methods: In react-query, when you call mutate or mutateAsync, you can just pass the payload for the request and an options object where you can pass just some callbacks. To allow the best possible integration for path params, we added _pathParams as a valid field to pass to mutate and mutateAsync, because sometimes it may be tricky to have the values to use as path variables at the moment you call useMutation (imagine for example a form submission, you most probably will have the value you need only when the form is submitted).

Since this field will never be passed to the request payload, we prefixed it with underscore to allow you to pass a pathParams field (without underscore) to you payload in case you may need. If you will need to pass a _pathParams field to your payload, it will not work


You can use augmentation to add as many set of apis as you need, you just need to augment the interface AppRoutes. An api scope is intended to be a group of endpoint pointing to the same server and having the same prefix. Let say you augment it in the following way

      type MyApiResponseType = { responseField1: string }
      type MyApiPayloadType = { payloadField1: string }
      type MyApiResponseType2 = { responseField2: string }
      export interface MainApi {
        "my-route/:id": { responseType: MyApiResponseType, payloadType: MyApiPayloadType },
       * Augment this interface to as many groups of api you need.
       * A group of api is a set of endpoints that share the same prefix,server,port and protocol
      export interface AppRoutes {
        anotherApi: {
          "another-api-route": { responseType: { anotherApiResponseField: string } }

You will be able to use the other scopes like this

      const query = useAppQuery({ scope: "anotherApi", route: "another-api-route" });
      const mutation = useAppMutation({ scope: "anotherApi", route: "another-api-route" })

You will have full intellisense also in this case



After you have defined all of your routes, you need to initialize the library by providing the server informations for all the defined api scopes. A good point to do this could be the same point where you initialize react-query's queryClient and pass it to the app's context (as explained in their docs)

    import { initNetworking } from "react-query-typed-api";
	  servers: {
	    main: {
	      apiUrl: "",
	    anotherApi: {
	      apiUrl: "https://another-api-url/v1",

The initNetworking function takes the following arguments:

parameter description mandatory default value
servers the configuration fo the servers, see below true undefined
loggingEnabled if true, the library will log all the request, responses and errors no false

SERVER CONFIGURATION The servers field is an object which accepts the following values:

property description mandatory default value
apiUrl the base url for the api (eg: http://localhost:8080/api ) yes undefined
headers the headers you will add here will be added to each request for the given api scope. It can be a static key-value map (eg: {"My-Api-Key":"12345"}) or a function which takes in input the request configuration, so you can return custom values based on the route, method ecc no
requestInterceptor the function you pass here must be a valid axios interceptor and it will be added before each request for this server no undefined
responseHandlers since axios, by design, only allows one interceptor for the request, in this library you are allowed to pass any number of interceptors for the response. Every function you will add here will be called with the request's response no empty array
errorHandlers like above, in this library you are allowed to pass any number of interceptors for the errors. Every function you will add here will be called with the full error info no empty array


The useAppQuery hook accepts 3 arguments:

routeOrRouteObj (mandatory) This parameter can be:

  • a string representing any route inside the main scope
  • an object with the following properties
     scope:"<one of your api scopes>",
     route:"a route in the scope"


appQueryOptions accepts the following values:

parameter description default
method this parameter indicated the HTTP verb (GET,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE) GET
headers a key-value pair for the request headers undefined
query a string representing the entire query string or an object undefined
isProtected if true, an Authorization header will be added with Bearer authentication using the token from the local storage (by default the local storage key will be token , but it can be customized in the initialization options. To read the local storage we use cross-local-storage, a very cool library to interact with localstorage on both the web and react native true
extraRoutePath a string that will be added after the base api url (passed in the initialization options and before the endpoint url. For example if the apiUrl is http://localhost:8080/api and your endpoint is /my-endpoint, if you pass for example "custom-path" to this propery, the final endpoint will be http://localhost:8080/api/custom-path/my-endpoint undefined
cancelToken an Axios's cancel token undefined
pathParams if the endpoint has a path variable (eg: /my-endpoint/:id), this parameter must contain an object having as values the path variables and as value the value you want your variable to assume --

useQueryOptions The options you would pass to react-query's useQuery()


The useAppMutation hook will take in input the same parameters as useAppQuery(), plus the payload property which represents the request's payload.


Together with useAppQuery and useAppMutation, we also crafted useAppQueryClient, a wrapper around queryClient, you can use it the following way

import { useAppQueryClient } from  "react-query-typed-api";

The following methods have been ported

  • invalidateAppQueries
  • refetchAppQueries
  • isFetching
  • isMutating
  • getQueryData
  • setQueryData
  • removeQueries
  • resetQueries
  • cancelQueries
  • invalidateQueries
  • refetchQueries
  • fetchQuery
  • prefetchQuery
  • executeMutation
  • setDefaultOptions
  • setQueryDefaults
  • getQueryDefaults
  • setMutationDefaults
  • getMutationDefaults

Here is an example how how it works with invalidateQueries method, but it works the same with the other methods


Differences with react-query

The way useAppQuery and useAppMutation works is exacly the same as react-query. Since this is 100% true for useAppQuery, on useAppMutation we added there is a small difference one as the although useAppQuery can be used in the same and exact way as useQuery is used, some little change has been added to mutate and mutateAsync

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  • Publish initial version

[] Add missing documentation

[] Wrap useInfiniteQuery

[] Improve tests

[] Much more πŸ˜…

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".

Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project

  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)

  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')

  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)

  5. Open a Pull Request

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Your Name Apperside - - [email protected]

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An opinioneted wrapper around react-query to implement fully typed api requests







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